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Headers exposed in the response of pre-flight request.
CORSMiddleware.swift:85let exposedHeaders: String?
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init(allowedOrigin: AllowOriginSetting, allowedMethods: [HTTPMethod], allowedHeaders: [HTTPHeaders.Name], allowCredentials: Bool, cacheExpiration: Int?, exposedHeaders: [HTTPHeaders.Name]?
) Instantiate a CORSConfiguration struct that can be used to create a
middleware for adding support for CORS in your responses.static func `default`(
) -> Configuration Default CORS configuration.
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init(allowedOrigin: CORSMiddleware.AllowOriginSetting, allowedMethods: [HTTPMethod], allowedHeaders: [HTTPHeaders.Name], allowCredentials: Bool, cacheExpiration: Int?, exposedHeaders: [String]
) Instantiate a CORSConfiguration struct that can be used to create a
middleware for adding support for CORS in your responses.
Instance members
let allowCredentials: Bool
If set to yes, cookies and other credentials will be sent in the response for CORS request.
let allowedHeaders: String
Header string containing headers that are allowed in a response for CORS request.
let allowedMethods: String
Header string containing methods that are allowed for a CORS request response.
let allowedOrigin: AllowOriginSetting
Setting that controls which origin values are allowed.
let cacheExpiration: Int?
Optionally sets expiration of the cached pre-flight request. Value is in seconds.