Instance Method (Default implementation)vapor 4.106.2Vapor
AsyncSessionDriver.swift:30func updateSession(_ sessionID: SessionID, to data: SessionData, for request: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<SessionID>
func updateSession(_ sessionID: SessionID, to data: SessionData, for request: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<SessionID>
What are these?
FNV24: [2PTJ0]
import Vapor
Vapor is a framework for building server applications, APIs and websites in Swift. It provides a safe, performant and scalable foundation for building large complex backends.
protocol AsyncSessionDriver : SessionDriver
Capable of managing CRUD operations for Session
struct SessionID
struct SessionData
A container for storing data associated with a given SessionID
final class Request
Represents an HTTP request in an application.
final class EventLoopFuture<Value>
Holder for a result that will be provided later.
func updateSession(_ sessionID: SessionID, to data: SessionData, for request: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<SessionID>
func updateSession(_ sessionID: SessionID, to data: SessionData, for request: Request) async throws -> SessionID
func createSession(_ data: SessionData, for request: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<SessionID>
func deleteSession(_ sessionID: SessionID, for request: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
func readSession(_ sessionID: SessionID, for request: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<SessionData?>