Extension (Class)vapor.redis 4.11.0all tags
RedisConnectionPool (ext)
You’re viewing third-party extensions to RedisConnectionPool
, a class from RediStack.
You can also read the documentation forRedisConnectionPool
extension RedisConnectionPool
Extension in Redis
Instance features
func get<D>(RedisKey, asJSON: D.Type
) -> EventLoopFuture<D?> Gets the provided key as a decodable type.
func get<D>(RedisKey, asJSON: D.Type
) async throws -> D? Gets the provided key as a decodable type.
func set<E>(RedisKey, toJSON: E
) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> Sets key to an encodable item.
func set<E>(RedisKey, toJSON: E
) async throws Sets key to an encodable item.
func setex<E>(RedisKey, toJSON: E, expirationInSeconds: Int
) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> Sets key to an encodable item with an expiration time.
func setex<E>(RedisKey, toJSON: E, expirationInSeconds: Int
) async throws Sets key to an encodable item with an expiration time.