Static Propertyvapor.jwt-kit 5.1.2JWTKit
RSA with SHA256
static let rs256: JWK.Algorithm
RSA with SHA256
static let rs256: JWK.Algorithm
import JWTKit
🔑 JSON Web Token signing and verification (HMAC, RSA, PSS, ECDSA, EdDSA) using SwiftCrypto.
struct Algorithm
Supported alg
struct JWK
A JSON Web Key.
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
init?(rawValue: String)
static let eddsa: JWK.Algorithm
static let es256: JWK.Algorithm
EC with SHA256
static let es384: JWK.Algorithm
EC with SHA384
static let es512: JWK.Algorithm
EC with SHA512
static let ps256: JWK.Algorithm
RSA-PSS with SHA256
static let ps384: JWK.Algorithm
RSA-PSS with SHA384
static let ps512: JWK.Algorithm
RSA-PSS with SHA512
static let rs384: JWK.Algorithm
RSA with SHA384
static let rs512: JWK.Algorithm
RSA with SHA512
static let rsaOAEP: JWK.Algorithm
var rawValue: String { get }
func encode(to encoder: any Encoder) throws
typealias RawValue = String