The hosted G Suite domain of the user. Provided only if the user belongs to a hosted domain.
let hostedDomain: GoogleHostedDomainClaim?
The hosted G Suite domain of the user. Provided only if the user belongs to a hosted domain.
let hostedDomain: GoogleHostedDomainClaim?
What are these?2MMZZ
import JWTKit
🔑 JSON Web Token signing and verification (HMAC, RSA, PSS, ECDSA, EdDSA) using SwiftCrypto.
struct GoogleIdentityToken
struct GoogleHostedDomainClaim
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
init(issuer: IssuerClaim, subject: SubjectClaim, audience: AudienceClaim, authorizedPresenter: String, issuedAt: IssuedAtClaim, expires: ExpirationClaim, atHash: String? = nil, hostedDomain: GoogleHostedDomainClaim? = nil, email: String? = nil, emailVerified: BoolClaim? = nil, name: String? = nil, picture: String? = nil, profile: String? = nil, givenName: String? = nil, familyName: String? = nil, locale: LocaleClaim? = nil, nonce: String? = nil)
let atHash: String?
Access token hash.
let audience: AudienceClaim
The audience that this ID token is intended for. It must be one of the OAuth 2.0 client IDs of your application.
let authorizedPresenter: String
The client_id of the authorized presenter.
let email: String?
The user’s email address.
let emailVerified: BoolClaim?
if the user’s e-mail address has been verified; otherwise false
let expires: ExpirationClaim
Expiration time on or after which the ID token must not be accepted.
let familyName: String?
The user’s surname(s) or last name(s). Might be provided when a name
claim is present.
let givenName: String?
The user’s given name(s) or first name(s). Might be provided when a name
claim is present.
let issuedAt: IssuedAtClaim
The time the ID token was issued.
let issuer: IssuerClaim
The Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response. Always or for Google ID tokens.
let locale: LocaleClaim?
The user’s locale, represented by a BCP 47 language tag. Might be provided when a name claim is present.
let name: String?
The user’s full name, in a displayable form.
let nonce: String?
The value of the nonce supplied by your app in the authentication request. You should enforce protection against replay attacks by ensuring it is presented only once.
let picture: String?
The URL of the user’s profile picture.
let profile: String?
The URL of the user’s profile picture.
let subject: SubjectClaim
An identifier for the user, unique among all Google accounts and never reused.
func verify(using _: some JWTAlgorithm) throws