FirebaseAuthIdentityToken.swift:70let userID: String
let userID: String
import JWTKit
🔑 JSON Web Token signing and verification (HMAC, RSA, PSS, ECDSA, EdDSA) using SwiftCrypto.
struct FirebaseAuthIdentityToken
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
init(issuer: IssuerClaim, subject: SubjectClaim, audience: AudienceClaim, issuedAt: IssuedAtClaim, expires: ExpirationClaim, authTime: Date? = nil, userID: String, email: String? = nil, emailVerified: Bool? = nil, phoneNumber: String? = nil, name: String? = nil, picture: String? = nil, firebase: FirebaseAuthIdentityToken.Firebase? = nil)
let audience: AudienceClaim
The audience that this ID token is intended for. It must be your Firebase project ID, the unique identifier for your Firebase project, which can be found in the URL of that project’s console.
let authTime: Date?
Authentication time. It must be in the past. The time when the user authenticated.
let email: String?
The user’s email address.
let emailVerified: Bool?
if the user’s e-mail address has been verified; otherwise false
let expires: ExpirationClaim
Expiration time. It must be in the future. The time is measured in seconds since the UNIX epoch.
let firebase: Firebase?
Additional Firebase-specific claims
let issuedAt: IssuedAtClaim
Issued-at time. It must be in the past. The time is measured in seconds since the UNIX epoch.
let issuer: IssuerClaim
Issuer. It must be “
let name: String?
The user’s full name, in a displayable form.
let phoneNumber: String?
The user’s phone number.
let picture: String?
The URL of the user’s profile picture.
let subject: SubjectClaim
Subject. It must be a non-empty string and must be the uid of the user or device.
func verify(using _: some JWTAlgorithm) throws
struct Firebase
Additional Firebase-specific claims