Required Initializervapor.jwt-kit 5.1.2JWTKit
ECDSAKeyTypes.swift:47init(x963Representation: some ContiguousBytes) throws
init(x963Representation: some ContiguousBytes) throws
What are these?2R4RM
import JWTKit
🔑 JSON Web Token signing and verification (HMAC, RSA, PSS, ECDSA, EdDSA) using SwiftCrypto.
protocol ECDSAPublicKey : Sendable
protocol ContiguousBytes
Indicates that the conforming type is a contiguous collection of raw bytes whose underlying storage is directly accessible by withUnsafeBytes.
init?(_ key: X509.Certificate.PublicKey)
init(compactRepresentation: some ContiguousBytes) throws
init(compressedRepresentation: some ContiguousBytes) throws
init<Bytes>(derRepresentation: Bytes) throws where Bytes : RandomAccessCollection, Bytes.Element == UInt8
init(pemRepresentation: String) throws
init(rawRepresentation: some ContiguousBytes) throws
var compactRepresentation: Data? { get }
var compressedRepresentation: Data { get }
var derRepresentation: Data { get }
var pemRepresentation: String { get }
var rawRepresentation: Data { get }
var x963Representation: Data { get }
func isValidSignature(_ signature: some DataProtocol, for data: some Digest) throws -> Bool