ECDSA.swift:20struct PublicKey<Curve> where Curve : ECDSACurveType
struct PublicKey<Curve> where Curve : ECDSACurveType
import JWTKit
🔑 JSON Web Token signing and verification (HMAC, RSA, PSS, ECDSA, EdDSA) using SwiftCrypto.
enum ECDSA
protocol ECDSACurveType : Sendable
A protocol defining the requirements for elliptic curve types used in ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm).
struct PrivateKey<Curve> where Curve : ECDSACurveType
protocol ECDSAKey : Sendable
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Sendable
init(backing: some ECDSAPublicKey) throws
Creates an ECDSA.PublicKey
instance from SwiftCrypto PublicKey.
init(certificate pem: String) throws
Creates an ECDSA.PublicKey
instance from a PEM encoded certificate string.
init(certificate pem: some DataProtocol) throws
Creates an ECDSA.PublicKey
instance from a PEM encoded certificate data.
init(parameters: ECDSAParameters) throws
Initializes a new ``ECDSA.PublicKey` with ECDSA parameters.
init(pem string: String) throws
Creates an ECDSA.PublicKey
instance from a PEM encoded public key string.
init(pem data: some DataProtocol) throws
Creates an ECDSA.PublicKey
instance from a PEM encoded public key data.
var curve: ECDSACurve { get }
var parameters: ECDSAParameters? { get }
var pemRepresentation: String { get }
The current public key as a PEM encoded string.
static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.