Binary Moduleswift 5.10.0XCTest


    import XCTest

    Module information



    64.7 percent of the declarations in XCTest are fully documented22.1 percent of the declarations in XCTest are indirectly documented13.2 percent of the declarations in XCTest are completely undocumented


    16.2 percent of the declarations in XCTest are global functions or variables1.0 percent of the declarations in XCTest are operators14.2 percent of the declarations in XCTest are initializers, type members, or enum cases45.1 percent of the declarations in XCTest are instance members1.0 percent of the declarations in XCTest are protocols5.4 percent of the declarations in XCTest are protocol requirements5.4 percent of the declarations in XCTest are default implementations2.5 percent of the declarations in XCTest are structures5.9 percent of the declarations in XCTest are classes3.4 percent of the declarations in XCTest are typealiases


    100.0 percent of the declarations in XCTest are unrestricted
    Module stats and coverage details



    • protocol XCTWaiterDelegate

      Events are reported to the waiter’s delegate via these methods. XCTestCase conforms to this protocol and will automatically report timeouts and other unexpected events as test failures.

    • protocol XCTestObservation

      XCTestObservation provides hooks for being notified about progress during a test run.


    • class PerformanceMeter
    • class XCTNSNotificationExpectation

      Expectation subclass for waiting on a condition defined by a Foundation Notification instance.

    • class XCTNSPredicateExpectation

      Expectation subclass for waiting on a condition defined by an NSPredicate and an optional object.

    • struct XCTPerformanceMetric
    • struct XCTSkip

      An error which causes the current test to cease executing  and be marked as skipped when it is thrown.

    • class XCTWaiter

      Manages waiting - pausing the current execution context - for an array of XCTestExpectations. Waiters can be used with or without a delegate to respond to events such as completion, timeout, or invalid expectation fulfillment. XCTestCase conforms to the delegate protocol and will automatically report timeouts and other unexpected events as test failures.

    • class XCTest

      An abstract base class for testing. XCTestCase and XCTestSuite extend XCTest to provide for creating, managing, and executing tests. Most developers will not need to subclass XCTest directly.

    • class XCTestCase

      An instance of this class represents an individual test case which can be run by the framework. This class is normally subclassed and extended with methods containing the tests to run.

    • class XCTestCaseRun

      A test run for an XCTestCase.

    • struct XCTestError

      Describes an error in the XCTestErrorDomain.

    • class XCTestExpectation

      Expectations represent specific conditions in asynchronous testing.

    • class XCTestObservationCenter

      Provides a registry for objects wishing to be informed about progress during the course of a test run. Observers must implement the XCTestObservation protocol

    • class XCTestRun

      A test run collects information about the execution of a test. Failures in explicit test assertions are classified as “expected”, while failures from unrelated or uncaught exceptions are classified as “unexpected”.

    • class XCTestSuite

      A subclass of XCTest, XCTestSuite is a collection of test cases. Based on what’s passed into XCTMain(), a hierarchy of suites is built up, but XCTestSuite can also be instantiated and manipulated directly:

    • class XCTestSuiteRun

      A test run for an XCTestSuite.


    • typealias XCTestCaseClosure

      A block with the test code to be invoked when the test runs.

    • typealias XCTestCaseEntry

      This is a compound type used by XCTMain to represent tests to run. It combines an XCTestCase subclass type with the list of test case methods to invoke on the class. This type is intended to be produced by the testCase helper function.

    • typealias XCWaitCompletionHandler

      A block to be invoked when a call to wait times out or has had all associated expectations fulfilled.

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