Instance Method (Default implementation)swift 6.0.1Swift
mutating func encode<T>(contentsOf sequence: T) throws where T : Sequence, T.Element == String
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws Encodes the elements of the given sequence.
Other members in extension
Instance members
func encode(Int128
) throws func encode(UInt128
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encode<T>(contentsOf: T
) throws func encodeConditional<T>(T
) throws