Enumeration Caseswift 6.0.1_RegexParser->Swift
case prependedConcatenationMark
case prependedConcatenationMark
What are these?6G8QT
import _RegexParser
import Swift
enum BinaryProperty
A list of Unicode properties that can either be true or false.
@frozen enum Unicode
A namespace for Unicode utilities.
case alphabetic
case asciiHexDigit
case bidiControl
case bidiMirrored
case caseIgnorable
case cased
case changesWhenCasefolded
case changesWhenCasemapped
case changesWhenLowercased
case changesWhenNFKCCasefolded
case changesWhenTitlecased
case changesWhenUppercased
case compositionExclusion
case dash
case defaultIgnorableCodePoint
case deprecated
case diacratic
case emoji
case emojiComponent
case emojiModifier
case emojiModifierBase
case emojiPresentation
case expandsOnNFC
case expandsOnNFD
case expandsOnNFKC
case expandsOnNFKD
case extendedPictographic
case extender
case fullCompositionExclusion
case graphemeBase
case graphemeExtended
case graphemeLink
case hexDigit
case hyphen
case idContinue
case idStart
case ideographic
case idsBinaryOperator
case idsTrinaryOperator
case joinControl
case logicalOrderException
case lowercase
case math
case noncharacterCodePoint
case otherAlphabetic
case otherDefaultIgnorableCodePoint
case otherGraphemeExtended
case otherIDContinue
case otherIDStart
case otherLowercase
case otherMath
case otherUppercase
case patternSyntax
case patternWhitespace
case quotationMark
case radical
case regionalIndicator
case sentenceTerminal
case softDotted
case terminalPunctuation
case unifiedIdiograph
case uppercase
case variationSelector
case whitespace
case xidContinue
case xidStart