Enumerationswift 6.0.1Swift
@frozen enum ASCII
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struct CanonicalCombiningClass
The classification of a scalar used in the Canonical Ordering Algorithm defined by the Unicode Standard.
enum GeneralCategory
The most general classification of a Unicode scalar.
enum NumericType
The numeric type of a scalar.
enum ParseResult<T>
The result of attempting to parse a
from some input.struct Scalar
A Unicode scalar value.
enum UTF16
enum UTF32
enum UTF8
typealias Encoding
typealias Parser
typealias Version
A version of the Unicode Standard represented by its major and minor components.
Citizens in Swift
protocol BitwiseCopyable
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol Escapable
protocol Sendable
Type members
static var encodedReplacementCharacter: Unicode.ASCII.EncodedScalar
static func decode(Unicode.ASCII.EncodedScalar
) -> Unicode.Scalar static func encode(Unicode.Scalar
) -> Unicode.ASCII.EncodedScalar? static func isASCII(Unicode.ASCII.CodeUnit
) -> Bool Returns whether the given code unit represents an ASCII scalar
static func transcode<FromEncoding>(FromEncoding.EncodedScalar, from: FromEncoding.Type
) -> Unicode.ASCII.EncodedScalar?