Instance Subscriptswift 6.0.1Swift


    Accesses the Unicode scalar value at the given position.

    subscript(position: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index) -> Unicode.Scalar { get }



    A valid index of the character view. position must be less than the view’s end index.

    The following example searches a string’s Unicode scalars view for a capital letter and then prints the character and Unicode scalar value at the found index:

    let greeting = "Hello, friend!"
    if let i = greeting.unicodeScalars.firstIndex(where: { "A"..."Z" ~= $0 }) {
        print("First capital letter: \(greeting.unicodeScalars[i])")
        print("Unicode scalar value: \(greeting.unicodeScalars[i].value)")
    // Prints "First capital letter: H"
    // Prints "Unicode scalar value: 72"

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    Type members

    • init()

      Creates an empty view instance.

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