Required Instance Methodswift 6.0.1Swift


    Replaces this value with the remainder of itself divided by the given value using truncating division.

    mutating func formTruncatingRemainder(dividingBy other: Self)



    The value to use when dividing this value.

    Performing truncating division with floating-point values results in a truncated integer quotient and a remainder. For values x and y and their truncated integer quotient q, the remainder r satisfies x == y * q + r.

    The following example calculates the truncating remainder of dividing 8.625 by 0.75:

    var x = 8.625
    print(x / 0.75)
    // Prints "11.5"
    let q = (x / 0.75).rounded(.towardZero)
    // q == 11.0
    x.formTruncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 0.75)
    // x == 0.375
    let x1 = 0.75 * q + x
    // x1 == 8.625

    If this value and other are both finite numbers, the truncating remainder has the same sign as this value and is strictly smaller in magnitude than other. The formTruncatingRemainder(dividingBy:) method is always exact.

    Other requirements

    Type members

    Instance members