Instance Propertyswift 6.0.1Swift
Always zero, just like startIndex
var endIndex: EmptyCollection<Element>.Index { get }
Other members in extension
struct Iterator
An iterator that never produces an element.
typealias Index
A type that represents a valid position in the collection.
typealias Indices
typealias SubSequence
Type members
) Creates an instance.
static func == (lhs: EmptyCollection<Element>, rhs: EmptyCollection<Element>
) -> Bool
Instance members
var count: Int
The number of elements (always zero).
var startIndex: EmptyCollection<Element>.Index
Always zero, just like
) -> EmptyCollection<Element>.SubSequence subscript(EmptyCollection<Element>.Index
) -> Element Accesses the element at the given position.
func distance(from: EmptyCollection<Element>.Index, to: EmptyCollection<Element>.Index
) -> Int The distance between two indexes (always zero).
func index(EmptyCollection<Element>.Index, offsetBy: Int
) -> EmptyCollection<Element>.Index func index(EmptyCollection<Element>.Index, offsetBy: Int, limitedBy: EmptyCollection<Element>.Index
) -> EmptyCollection<Element>.Index? func index(after: EmptyCollection<Element>.Index
) -> EmptyCollection<Element>.Index Always traps.
func index(before: EmptyCollection<Element>.Index
) -> EmptyCollection<Element>.Index Always traps.
func makeIterator(
) -> EmptyCollection<Element>.Iterator Returns an empty iterator.