A FormatStyle
that displays a duration as a list of duration units, such as “2 hours, 43 minutes, 26 seconds” in English.
- iOS
- 16.0+
- macOS
- 13.0+
- tvOS
- 16.0+
- watchOS
- 9.0+
struct UnitsFormatStyle
A FormatStyle
that displays a duration as a list of duration units, such as “2 hours, 43 minutes, 26 seconds” in English.
struct UnitsFormatStyle
What are these?3PQN1
import FoundationInternationalization
import Swift
@frozen struct Duration
A representation of high precision time.
func formatted() -> String
Formats self
using the hour-minute-second time pattern
func formatted<S>(_ v: S) -> S.FormatOutput where S : FormatStyle, S.FormatInput == Duration
struct TimeFormatStyle
Format style to format a Duration
in a localized positional format. For example, one hour and ten minutes is displayed as “1:10:00” in the U.S. English locale, or “1.10.00” in the Finnish locale.
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol Decodable
A type that can decode itself from an external representation.
protocol DiscreteFormatStyle<FormatInput, FormatOutput> : FormatStyle
A format style that transforms a continuous input into a discrete output and provides information about its discretization boundaries.
protocol Encodable
A type that can encode itself to an external representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Escapable
protocol FormatStyle : Decodable, Encodable, Hashable
A type that can convert a given data type into a representation.
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
protocol Sendable
init(allowedUnits: Set<Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.Unit>, width: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.UnitWidth, maximumUnitCount: Int? = nil, zeroValueUnits: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.ZeroValueUnitsDisplayStrategy = .hide, valueLength: Int? = nil, fractionalPart: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.FractionalPartDisplayStrategy = .hide)
Creates an instance using the provided specifications.
init<ValueRange>(allowedUnits: Set<Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.Unit>, width: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.UnitWidth, maximumUnitCount: Int? = nil, zeroValueUnits: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.ZeroValueUnitsDisplayStrategy = .hide, valueLengthLimits: ValueRange, fractionalPart: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.FractionalPartDisplayStrategy = .hide) where ValueRange : RangeExpression, ValueRange.Bound == Int
Creates an instance using the provided specifications.
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
var allowedUnits: Set<Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.Unit>
The units that may be included in the output string.
var attributed: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.Attributed { get }
Returns a Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.Attributed
style to format a duration as an attributed string using the configuration of this format style. Units in the string are annotated with the durationField
and measurement
attribute keys and the DurationFieldAttribute
and MeasurementAttribute
attribute values.
var fractionalPartDisplay: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.FractionalPartDisplayStrategy
The strategy for displaying a duration if it cannot be represented exactly with the allowed units.
var locale: Locale
The locale to use when formatting the duration.
var maximumUnitCount: Int?
The maximum number of time units to include in the output string.
var unitWidth: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.UnitWidth
The width of the unit and the spacing between the value and the unit.
var valueLengthLimits: Range<Int>?
The padding or truncating behavior of the unit value.
var zeroValueUnitsDisplay: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.ZeroValueUnitsDisplayStrategy
The strategy for how zero-value units are handled.
func discreteInput(after input: Duration) -> Duration?
func discreteInput(before input: Duration) -> Duration?
func format(_ duration: Duration) -> String
Creates a locale-aware string representation from a duration value.
func locale(_ locale: Locale) -> Duration.UnitsFormatStyle
A modifier to set the locale of the format style.
@dynamicMemberLookup struct Attributed
A format style to format a duration as an attributed string. Units in the string are annotated with the durationField
and measurement
attribute keys and the DurationFieldAttribute
and MeasurementAttribute
attribute values.
struct FractionalPartDisplayStrategy
Specifies how a duration is displayed if it cannot be represented exactly with the allowed units.
struct Unit
Units that a duration can be displayed as with UnitsFormatStyle
struct UnitWidth
Specifies the width of the unit and the spacing of the value and the unit.
struct ZeroValueUnitsDisplayStrategy
Specifies how zero value units are handled.
static func currency<Value>(code: String) -> Self where Self == FloatingPointFormatStyle<Value>.Currency, Value : BinaryFloatingPoint
static func currency<V>(code: String) -> Self where Self == IntegerFormatStyle<V>.Currency, V : BinaryInteger
static func list<MemberStyle, Base>(memberStyle: MemberStyle, type: ListFormatStyle<MemberStyle, Base>.ListType, width: ListFormatStyle<MemberStyle, Base>.Width = .standard) -> Self where Self == ListFormatStyle<MemberStyle, Base>, MemberStyle : FormatStyle, Base : Sequence, MemberStyle.FormatInput == Base.Element, MemberStyle.FormatOutput == String
static func list<Base>(type: ListFormatStyle<StringStyle, Base>.ListType, width: ListFormatStyle<StringStyle, Base>.Width = .standard) -> Self where Self == ListFormatStyle<StringStyle, Base>, Base : Sequence, Base.Element == String
static func units(allowed units: Set<Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.Unit> = [.hours, .minutes, .seconds], width: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.UnitWidth = .abbreviated, maximumUnitCount: Int? = nil, zeroValueUnits: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.ZeroValueUnitsDisplayStrategy = .hide, valueLength: Int? = nil, fractionalPart: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.FractionalPartDisplayStrategy = .hide) -> Self
A factory function to create a units format style to format a duration.
static func units<ValueRange>(allowed units: Set<Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.Unit> = [.hours, .minutes, .seconds], width: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.UnitWidth = .abbreviated, maximumUnitCount: Int? = nil, zeroValueUnits: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.ZeroValueUnitsDisplayStrategy = .hide, valueLengthLimits: ValueRange, fractionalPart: Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.FractionalPartDisplayStrategy = .hide) -> Self where ValueRange : RangeExpression, ValueRange.Bound == Int
A factory function to create a units format style to format a duration.
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
func input(after input: Self.FormatInput) -> Self.FormatInput?
func input(before input: Self.FormatInput) -> Self.FormatInput?