Structureswift 6.0.1Swift
@frozen struct Iterator
@frozen struct Iterator
import Swift
@frozen struct Keys
A view of a dictionary’s keys.
@frozen struct Dictionary<Key, Value> where Key : Hashable
A collection whose elements are key-value pairs.
var count: Int { get }
The number of keys in the dictionary.
var debugDescription: String { get }
var description: String { get }
var endIndex: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index { get }
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
var startIndex: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index { get }
subscript(position: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Dictionary<Key, Value>.Keys.Element { get }
static func == (lhs: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Keys, rhs: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Keys) -> Bool
func formIndex(after i: inout Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index)
func index(after i: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index
func makeIterator() -> Dictionary<Key, Value>.Keys.Iterator
typealias Element = Key
typealias SubSequence = Slice<Dictionary<Key, Value>.Keys>
protocol IteratorProtocol<Element>
A type that supplies the values of a sequence one at a time.
mutating func next() -> Key?
protocol Sendable
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol Escapable