
    A slice of an Array, ContiguousArray, or ArraySlice instance.

    @frozen struct ArraySlice<Element>

    The ArraySlice type makes it fast and efficient for you to perform operations on sections of a larger array. Instead of copying over the elements of a slice to new storage, an ArraySlice instance presents a view onto the storage of a larger array. And because ArraySlice presents the same interface as Array, you can generally perform the same operations on a slice as you could on the original array.

    For more information about using arrays, see Array and ContiguousArray, with which ArraySlice shares most properties and methods.

    Slices Are Views onto Arrays

    For example, suppose you have an array holding the number of absences from each class during a session.

    let absences = [0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 3, 1, 0]

    You want to compare the absences in the first half of the session with those in the second half. To do so, start by creating two slices of the absences array.

    let midpoint = absences.count / 2
    let firstHalf = absences[..<midpoint]
    let secondHalf = absences[midpoint...]

    Neither the firstHalf nor secondHalf slices allocate any new storage of their own. Instead, each presents a view onto the storage of the absences array.

    You can call any method on the slices that you might have called on the absences array. To learn which half had more absences, use the reduce(_:_:) method to calculate each sum.

    let firstHalfSum = firstHalf.reduce(0, +)
    let secondHalfSum = secondHalf.reduce(0, +)
    if firstHalfSum > secondHalfSum {
        print("More absences in the first half.")
    } else {
        print("More absences in the second half.")
    // Prints "More absences in the first half."

    Slices Maintain Indices

    Unlike Array and ContiguousArray, the starting index for an ArraySlice instance isn’t always zero. Slices maintain the same indices of the larger array for the same elements, so the starting index of a slice depends on how it was created, letting you perform index-based operations on either a full array or a slice.

    Sharing indices between collections and their subsequences is an important part of the design of Swift’s collection algorithms. Suppose you are tasked with finding the first two days with absences in the session. To find the indices of the two days in question, follow these steps:

    1. Call firstIndex(where:) to find the index of the first element in the absences array that is greater than zero.

    2. Create a slice of the absences array starting after the index found in step 1.

    3. Call firstIndex(where:) again, this time on the slice created in step 2. Where in some languages you might pass a starting index into an indexOf method to find the second day, in Swift you perform the same operation on a slice of the original array.

    4. Print the results using the indices found in steps 1 and 3 on the original absences array.

    Here’s an implementation of those steps:

    if let i = absences.firstIndex(where: { $0 > 0 }) {                 // 1
        let absencesAfterFirst = absences[(i + 1)...]                   // 2
        if let j = absencesAfterFirst.firstIndex(where: { $0 > 0 }) {   // 3
            print("The first day with absences had \(absences[i]).")    // 4
            print("The second day with absences had \(absences[j]).")
    // Prints "The first day with absences had 2."
    // Prints "The second day with absences had 4."

    In particular, note that j, the index of the second day with absences, was found in a slice of the original array and then used to access a value in the original absences array itself.

    Citizens in Swift


    Type members

    Instance members

    Citizens in Swift

    where Element:Hashable


    • protocol Hashable

      A type that can be hashed into a Hasher to produce an integer hash value.

    Instance members

    Citizens in Swift

    where Element:Equatable


    Type members

    Type features

    Citizens in Swift

    where Element:Copyable, Element:Sendable, Element:Escapable


    Citizens in Swift

    where Element:Copyable, Element:Escapable


    Type features

    Instance features

    Show obsolete interfaces (2)

    Hide obsolete interfaces

    Available in FoundationEssentials

    where Element == UInt8


    Instance members

    Instance features