Instance Methodswift 6.0.3FoundationInternationalization
- iOS
- 15.0+
- macOS
- 12.0+
- tvOS
- 15.0+
- watchOS
- 8.0+
func parse(_ value: String) throws -> Format.FormatInput
func parse(_ value: String) throws -> Format.FormatInput
What are these?7JW6P
where Format:FormatStyle, Format.FormatInput:BinaryInteger
import FoundationInternationalization
struct IntegerParseStrategy<Format> where Format : FormatStyle, Format.FormatInput : BinaryInteger
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
associatedtype FormatInput
The type of data to format.
protocol FormatStyle : Decodable, Encodable, Hashable
A type that can convert a given data type into a representation.
protocol BinaryInteger : CustomStringConvertible, Hashable, Numeric, Strideable where Self.Magnitude : BinaryInteger, Self.Magnitude == Self.Magnitude.Magnitude
An integer type with a binary representation.
init<Value>(format: Format, lenient: Bool = true) where Format == IntegerFormatStyle<Value>.Percent, Value : BinaryInteger
init<Value>(format: Format, lenient: Bool = true) where Format == IntegerFormatStyle<Value>.Currency, Value : BinaryInteger
init<Value>(format: Format, lenient: Bool = true) where Format == IntegerFormatStyle<Value>, Value : BinaryInteger