Structureswift 6.0.3FoundationEssentials
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struct NotEqual<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Equatable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
struct NotEqual<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Equatable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
What are these?9ANE3
import FoundationEssentials
@frozen enum PredicateExpressions
protocol PredicateExpression<Output>
associatedtype Output
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
static func build_Arg(_ component: some RegexComponent) -> PredicateExpressions.Value<PredicateExpressions.PredicateRegex>
static func build_Arg<T>(_ arg: T) -> PredicateExpressions.Value<T>
static func build_Arg<T>(_ arg: T) -> T where T : PredicateExpression
static func build_Arithmetic<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS, op: PredicateExpressions.ArithmeticOperator) -> PredicateExpressions.Arithmetic<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Numeric, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
static func build_ClosedRange<LHS, RHS>(lower: LHS, upper: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.ClosedRange<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Comparable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
static func build_Comparison<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS, op: PredicateExpressions.ComparisonOperator) -> PredicateExpressions.Comparison<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Comparable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
static func build_Conditional<Test, If, Else>(_ test: Test, _ trueBranch: If, _ falseBranch: Else) -> PredicateExpressions.Conditional<Test, If, Else> where Test : PredicateExpression, If : PredicateExpression, Else : PredicateExpression, Test.Output == Bool, If.Output == Else.Output
static func build_Conjunction<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.Conjunction<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output == Bool, RHS.Output == Bool
static func build_Disjunction<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.Disjunction<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output == Bool, RHS.Output == Bool
static func build_Division<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.IntDivision<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : BinaryInteger, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
static func build_Division<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.FloatDivision<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : FloatingPoint, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
static func build_Equal<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.Equal<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Equatable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
static func build_ForcedUnwrap<Inner, Wrapped>(_ inner: Inner) -> PredicateExpressions.ForcedUnwrap<Inner, Wrapped> where Inner : PredicateExpression, Inner.Output == Wrapped?
static func build_KeyPath<Root, Value>(root: Root, keyPath: any KeyPath<Root.Output, Value> & Sendable) -> PredicateExpressions.KeyPath<Root, Value> where Root : PredicateExpression
static func build_Negation<T>(_ wrapped: T) -> PredicateExpressions.Negation<T> where T : PredicateExpression, T.Output == Bool
static func build_NilCoalesce<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.NilCoalesce<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output == RHS.Output?
static func build_NilLiteral<Wrapped>() -> PredicateExpressions.NilLiteral<Wrapped>
static func build_NotEqual<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.NotEqual<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Equatable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
static func build_Range<LHS, RHS>(lower: LHS, upper: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.Range<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Comparable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
static func build_Remainder<LHS, RHS>(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.IntRemainder<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : BinaryInteger, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
static func build_UnaryMinus<T>(_ inner: T) -> PredicateExpressions.UnaryMinus<T> where T : PredicateExpression, T.Output : SignedNumeric
static func build_allSatisfy<LHS, RHS>(_ lhs: LHS, _ builder: (PredicateExpressions.Variable<LHS.Output.Element>) -> RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.SequenceAllSatisfy<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Sequence, RHS.Output == Bool
static func build_contains<Base, Other>(_ base: Base, _ other: Other) -> PredicateExpressions.CollectionContainsCollection<Base, Other> where Base : PredicateExpression, Other : PredicateExpression, Base.Output : Collection, Other.Output : Collection, Base.Output.Element : Equatable, Base.Output.Element == Other.Output.Element
static func build_contains<LHS, RHS>(_ lhs: LHS, _ rhs: RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.SequenceContains<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Sequence, RHS.Output : Equatable, RHS.Output == LHS.Output.Element
static func build_contains<Subject, Regex>(_ subject: Subject, _ regex: Regex) -> PredicateExpressions.StringContainsRegex<Subject, Regex> where Subject : PredicateExpression, Regex : PredicateExpression, Subject.Output : BidirectionalCollection, Regex.Output : RegexComponent, Subject.Output.SubSequence == Substring
static func build_contains<RangeExpression, Element>(_ range: RangeExpression, _ element: Element) -> PredicateExpressions.RangeExpressionContains<RangeExpression, Element> where RangeExpression : PredicateExpression, Element : PredicateExpression, RangeExpression.Output : RangeExpression, Element.Output == RangeExpression.Output.Bound
static func build_contains<LHS, RHS>(_ lhs: LHS, where builder: (PredicateExpressions.Variable<LHS.Output.Element>) -> RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.SequenceContainsWhere<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Sequence, RHS.Output == Bool
static func build_evaluate<Transformation, each Input, Output>(_ expression: Transformation, _ input: repeat each Input) -> PredicateExpressions.ExpressionEvaluate<Transformation, repeat each Input, Output> where Transformation : PredicateExpression, repeat each Input : PredicateExpression, Transformation.Output == Expression<repeat (each Input).Output, Output>
static func build_filter<LHS, RHS>(_ lhs: LHS, _ builder: (PredicateExpressions.Variable<LHS.Output.Element>) -> RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.Filter<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Sequence, RHS.Output == Bool
static func build_flatMap<LHS, RHS, Wrapped, Result>(_ wrapped: LHS, _ builder: (PredicateExpressions.Variable<Wrapped>) -> RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.OptionalFlatMap<LHS, Wrapped, RHS, Result> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, Result == RHS.Output, LHS.Output == Wrapped?
static func build_flatMap<LHS, RHS, Wrapped, Result>(_ wrapped: LHS, _ builder: (PredicateExpressions.Variable<Wrapped>) -> RHS) -> PredicateExpressions.OptionalFlatMap<LHS, Wrapped, RHS, Result> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output == Wrapped?, RHS.Output == Result?
static func build_max<Elements>(_ elements: Elements) -> PredicateExpressions.SequenceMaximum<Elements> where Elements : PredicateExpression, Elements.Output : Sequence, Elements.Output.Element : Comparable
static func build_min<Elements>(_ elements: Elements) -> PredicateExpressions.SequenceMinimum<Elements> where Elements : PredicateExpression, Elements.Output : Sequence, Elements.Output.Element : Comparable
static func build_starts<Base, Prefix>(_ base: Base, with prefix: Prefix) -> PredicateExpressions.SequenceStartsWith<Base, Prefix> where Base : PredicateExpression, Prefix : PredicateExpression, Base.Output : Sequence, Prefix.Output : Sequence, Base.Output.Element : Equatable, Base.Output.Element == Prefix.Output.Element
static func build_subscript<Wrapped, Key, Value>(_ wrapped: Wrapped, _ key: Key) -> PredicateExpressions.DictionaryKeySubscript<Wrapped, Key, Value> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Key : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output == [Key.Output : Value], Key.Output : Hashable
static func build_subscript<Wrapped, Index>(_ wrapped: Wrapped, _ index: Index) -> PredicateExpressions.CollectionIndexSubscript<Wrapped, Index> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Index : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output : Collection, Index.Output == Wrapped.Output.Index
static func build_subscript<Wrapped, Range>(_ wrapped: Wrapped, _ range: Range) -> PredicateExpressions.CollectionRangeSubscript<Wrapped, Range> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Range : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output : Collection, Range.Output == Range<Wrapped.Output.Index>
static func build_subscript<Wrapped, Key, Default>(_ wrapped: Wrapped, _ key: Key, default: Default) -> PredicateExpressions.DictionaryKeyDefaultValueSubscript<Wrapped, Key, Default> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Key : PredicateExpression, Default : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output == [Key.Output : Default.Output], Key.Output : Hashable
struct Arithmetic<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Numeric, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
enum ArithmeticOperator
struct ClosedRange<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Comparable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
struct CollectionContainsCollection<Base, Other> where Base : PredicateExpression, Other : PredicateExpression, Base.Output : Collection, Other.Output : Collection, Base.Output.Element : Equatable, Base.Output.Element == Other.Output.Element
struct CollectionIndexSubscript<Wrapped, Index> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Index : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output : Collection, Index.Output == Wrapped.Output.Index
struct CollectionRangeSubscript<Wrapped, Range> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Range : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output : Collection, Range.Output == Range<Wrapped.Output.Index>
struct Comparison<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Comparable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
enum ComparisonOperator
struct Conditional<Test, If, Else> where Test : PredicateExpression, If : PredicateExpression, Else : PredicateExpression, Test.Output == Bool, If.Output == Else.Output
struct ConditionalCast<Input, Desired> where Input : PredicateExpression
struct Conjunction<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output == Bool, RHS.Output == Bool
struct DictionaryKeyDefaultValueSubscript<Wrapped, Key, Default> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Key : PredicateExpression, Default : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output == [Key.Output : Default.Output], Key.Output : Hashable
struct DictionaryKeySubscript<Wrapped, Key, Value> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Key : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output == [Key.Output : Value], Key.Output : Hashable
struct Disjunction<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output == Bool, RHS.Output == Bool
struct Equal<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Equatable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
struct ExpressionEvaluate<Transformation, each Input, Output> where Transformation : PredicateExpression, repeat each Input : PredicateExpression, Transformation.Output == Expression<repeat (each Input).Output, Output>
struct Filter<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Sequence, RHS.Output == Bool
struct FloatDivision<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : FloatingPoint, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
struct ForceCast<Input, Desired> where Input : PredicateExpression
struct ForcedUnwrap<Inner, Wrapped> where Inner : PredicateExpression, Inner.Output == Wrapped?
struct IntDivision<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : BinaryInteger, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
struct IntRemainder<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : BinaryInteger, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
struct KeyPath<Root, Output> where Root : PredicateExpression
struct Negation<Wrapped> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output == Bool
struct NilCoalesce<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output == RHS.Output?
struct NilLiteral<Wrapped>
struct OptionalFlatMap<LHS, Wrapped, RHS, Result> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output == Wrapped?
struct PredicateRegex
struct Range<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Comparable, LHS.Output == RHS.Output
struct RangeExpressionContains<RangeExpression, Element> where RangeExpression : PredicateExpression, Element : PredicateExpression, RangeExpression.Output : RangeExpression, Element.Output == RangeExpression.Output.Bound
struct SequenceAllSatisfy<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Sequence, RHS.Output == Bool
struct SequenceContains<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Sequence, RHS.Output : Equatable, RHS.Output == LHS.Output.Element
struct SequenceContainsWhere<LHS, RHS> where LHS : PredicateExpression, RHS : PredicateExpression, LHS.Output : Sequence, RHS.Output == Bool
struct SequenceMaximum<Elements> where Elements : PredicateExpression, Elements.Output : Sequence, Elements.Output.Element : Comparable
struct SequenceMinimum<Elements> where Elements : PredicateExpression, Elements.Output : Sequence, Elements.Output.Element : Comparable
struct SequenceStartsWith<Base, Prefix> where Base : PredicateExpression, Prefix : PredicateExpression, Base.Output : Sequence, Prefix.Output : Sequence, Base.Output.Element : Equatable, Base.Output.Element == Prefix.Output.Element
struct StringContainsRegex<Subject, Regex> where Subject : PredicateExpression, Regex : PredicateExpression, Subject.Output : BidirectionalCollection, Regex.Output : RegexComponent, Subject.Output.SubSequence == Substring
struct TypeCheck<Input, Desired> where Input : PredicateExpression
struct UnaryMinus<Wrapped> where Wrapped : PredicateExpression, Wrapped.Output : SignedNumeric
struct Value<Output>
struct Variable<Output>
struct VariableID
init(lhs: LHS, rhs: RHS)
let lhs: LHS
let rhs: RHS
func evaluate(_ bindings: PredicateBindings) throws -> Bool
typealias Output = Bool
protocol Encodable
A type that can encode itself to an external representation.
protocol Decodable
A type that can decode itself from an external representation.
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
func encode(to encoder: any Encoder) throws
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Escapable
var description: String { get }
protocol StandardPredicateExpression<Output> : PredicateExpression, Decodable, Encodable, Sendable
protocol Sendable
protocol DebugStringConvertiblePredicateExpression : StandardPredicateExpression
func debugString(state: inout DebugStringConversionState) -> String