var calendar: Calendar
Returns the calendar for the locale, or the Gregorian calendar as a fallback.
var collation: Locale.Collation
Returns the default collation used by the locale. Default is .standard
var currency: Locale.Currency?
Returns the currency of the locale. Returns nil if the data isn’t available.
var currencyCode: String?
Returns the currency code of the locale.
var currencySymbol: String?
Returns the currency symbol of the locale.
var customMirror: Mirror
var debugDescription: String
var description: String
var firstDayOfWeek: Locale.Weekday
Returns the first day of the week of the locale. Returns .sunday
as the default value if the data isn’t available to the requested locale.
var forceHourCycle: Locale.HourCycle?
var forceMeasurementSystem: Locale.MeasurementSystem?
var forceTemperatureUnit: LocalePreferences.TemperatureUnit?
var hourCycle: Locale.HourCycle
Returns the hour cycle such as whether it uses 12-hour clock or 24-hour clock. Default is .zeroToTwentyThree
if the data isn’t available. Calling this on .current
or .autoupdatingCurrent
returns user’s preference values as set in the system settings if available, overriding the default value of the user’s locale.
var identifierCapturingPreferences: String
var language: Locale.Language
var languageCode: String?
Returns the language code of the locale, or nil if has none.
var measurementSystem: Locale.MeasurementSystem
var numberingSystem: Locale.NumberingSystem
Returns the numbering system of the locale. If the locale has an explicitly specified numbering system in the identifier (e.g. bn_BD@numbers=latn
) or in the associated Locale.Components
, that numbering system is returned. Otherwise, returns the default numbering system of the locale. Returns "latn"
as the default value if the data isn’t available.
var prefs: LocalePreferences?
var region: Locale.Region?
Returns the region of the locale. For example, “US” for “en_US”, “GB” for “en_GB”, “PT” for “pt_PT”.
var regionCode: String?
Returns the region code of the locale, or nil if it has none.
var scriptCode: String?
Returns the script code of the locale, or nil if has none.
var subdivision: Locale.Subdivision?
Returns the regional subdivision for the locale, or nil if there is none.
var temperatureUnit: LocalePreferences.TemperatureUnit
var timeZone: TimeZone?
var usesMetricSystem: Bool
Returns true if the locale uses the metric system.
var variant: Locale.Variant?
Returns the variant for the locale, or nil if it has none. For example, for the locale “en_POSIX”, returns “POSIX”.
var variantCode: String?
Returns the variant code for the locale, or nil if it has none.
func encode(to: any Encoder) throws
func forceFirstWeekday(Calendar.Identifier) -> Locale.Weekday?
func forceMinDaysInFirstWeek(Calendar.Identifier) -> Int?
func hash(into: inout Hasher)
func identifier(Locale.IdentifierType) -> String
func localizedString(forCurrencyCode: String) -> String?
Returns a localized string for a specified ISO 4217 currency code.
func localizedString(forLanguageCode: String) -> String?
Returns a localized string for a specified language code.
func localizedString(forRegionCode: String) -> String?
Returns a localized string for a specified region code.
func localizedString(forScriptCode: String) -> String?
Returns a localized string for a specified script code.
func localizedString(forVariantCode: String) -> String?
Returns a localized string for a specified variant code.