struct DirectoryEnumerationOptions
struct DirectoryEnumerationOptions
What are these?73L45
import FoundationEssentials
class FileManager
class var `default`: FileManager { get }
var currentDirectoryPath: String { get }
weak var delegate: (any FileManagerDelegate)? { get set }
var homeDirectoryForCurrentUser: URL { get }
var temporaryDirectory: URL { get }
func attributesOfFileSystem(forPath path: String) throws -> [FileAttributeKey : Any]
func attributesOfItem(atPath path: String) throws -> [FileAttributeKey : Any]
func changeCurrentDirectoryPath(_ path: String) -> Bool
func contents(atPath path: String) -> Data?
func contentsEqual(atPath path1: String, andPath path2: String) -> Bool
func contentsOfDirectory(atPath path: String) throws -> [String]
func copyItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws
func copyItem(atPath srcPath: String, toPath dstPath: String) throws
func createDirectory(at url: URL, withIntermediateDirectories createIntermediates: Bool, attributes: [FileAttributeKey : Any]? = nil) throws
func createDirectory(atPath path: String, withIntermediateDirectories createIntermediates: Bool, attributes: [FileAttributeKey : Any]? = nil) throws
func createFile(atPath path: String, contents data: Data?, attributes attr: [FileAttributeKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool
func createSymbolicLink(at url: URL, withDestinationURL destURL: URL) throws
func createSymbolicLink(atPath path: String, withDestinationPath destPath: String) throws
func destinationOfSymbolicLink(atPath path: String) throws -> String
func fileExists(atPath path: String) -> Bool
func fileExists(atPath path: String, isDirectory: inout Bool) -> Bool
func homeDirectory(forUser userName: String) -> URL?
func isDeletableFile(atPath path: String) -> Bool
func isExecutableFile(atPath path: String) -> Bool
func isReadableFile(atPath path: String) -> Bool
func isWritableFile(atPath path: String) -> Bool
func linkItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws
func linkItem(atPath srcPath: String, toPath dstPath: String) throws
func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws
func moveItem(atPath srcPath: String, toPath dstPath: String) throws
func removeItem(at URL: URL) throws
func removeItem(atPath path: String) throws
func setAttributes(_ attributes: [FileAttributeKey : Any], ofItemAtPath path: String) throws
func string(withFileSystemRepresentation str: UnsafePointer<CChar>, length len: Int) -> String
func subpathsOfDirectory(atPath path: String) throws -> [String]
func url(for directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory, in domain: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask, appropriateFor url: URL?, create shouldCreate: Bool) throws -> URL
func urls(for directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory, in domainMask: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask) -> [URL]
func withFileSystemRepresentation<R>(for path: String, _ body: (UnsafePointer<CChar>?) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
struct ItemReplacementOptions
enum SearchPathDirectory
struct SearchPathDomainMask
enum URLRelationship
struct UnmountOptions
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
A type that can be initialized using an array literal.
protocol OptionSet : RawRepresentable, SetAlgebra
A type that presents a mathematical set interface to a bit set.
protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
protocol Sendable
protocol SetAlgebra<Element> : Equatable, ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
A type that provides mathematical set operations.
init(rawValue: UInt)
static let includesDirectoriesPostOrder: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerationOptions
static let producesRelativePathURLs: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerationOptions
static let skipsHiddenFiles: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerationOptions
static let skipsPackageDescendants: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerationOptions
static let skipsSubdirectoryDescendants: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerationOptions
let rawValue: UInt
Creates an empty option set.
init<S>(_ sequence: S) where S : Sequence, Self.Element == S.Element
Creates a new set from a finite sequence of items.
init(arrayLiteral: Self.Element...)
Creates a set containing the elements of the given array literal.
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
A Boolean value that indicates whether the set has no elements.
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
func contains(_ member: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a given element is a member of the option set.
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: Self)
Removes all elements of this option set that are not also present in the given set.
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: Self)
Replaces this set with a new set containing all elements contained in either this set or the given set, but not in both.
mutating func formUnion(_ other: Self)
Inserts the elements of another set into this option set.
@discardableResult mutating func insert(_ newMember: Self.Element) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: Self.Element)
Adds the given element to the option set if it is not already a member.
func intersection(_ other: Self) -> Self
Returns a new option set with only the elements contained in both this set and the given set.
func isDisjoint(with other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set has no members in common with the given set.
func isStrictSubset(of other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this set is a strict subset of the given set.
func isStrictSuperset(of other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this set is a strict superset of the given set.
func isSubset(of other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a subset of another set.
func isSuperset(of other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a superset of the given set.
@discardableResult mutating func remove(_ member: Self.Element) -> Self.Element?
Removes the given element and all elements subsumed by it.
mutating func subtract(_ other: Self)
Removes the elements of the given set from this set.
func subtracting(_ other: Self) -> Self
Returns a new set containing the elements of this set that do not occur in the given set.
func symmetricDifference(_ other: Self) -> Self
Returns a new option set with the elements contained in this set or in the given set, but not in both.
func union(_ other: Self) -> Self
Returns a new option set of the elements contained in this set, in the given set, or in both.
@discardableResult mutating func update(with newMember: Self.Element) -> Self.Element?
Inserts the given element into the set.