Predefined date styles varied in lengths or the components included. The exact format depends on the locale.
- iOS
- 15.0+
- macOS
- 12.0+
- tvOS
- 15.0+
- watchOS
- 8.0+
struct DateStyle
Predefined date styles varied in lengths or the components included. The exact format depends on the locale.
struct DateStyle
What are these?9MUMO
import FoundationEssentials
import FoundationInternationalization
struct FormatStyle
Strategies for formatting a Date
struct Date
represents a single point in time.
init(date: Date.FormatStyle.DateStyle? = nil, time: Date.FormatStyle.TimeStyle? = nil, locale: Locale = .autoupdatingCurrent, calendar: Calendar = .autoupdatingCurrent, timeZone: TimeZone = .autoupdatingCurrent, capitalizationContext: FormatStyleCapitalizationContext = .unknown)
Creates a new FormatStyle
with the given configurations.
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
var attributed: Date.AttributedStyle { get }
Returns a type erased attributed variant of this style.
var attributedStyle: Date.FormatStyle.Attributed { get }
Return the type preserving attributed variant of this style.
var calendar: Calendar
The calendar to use for date values.
var capitalizationContext: FormatStyleCapitalizationContext
The capitalization formatting context used when formatting date and time values.
var locale: Locale
The locale to use when formatting date and time values.
var parseStrategy: Date.FormatStyle { get }
var timeZone: TimeZone
The time zone with which to specify date and time values.
func consuming(_ input: String, startingAt index: String.Index, in bounds: Range<String.Index>) throws -> (upperBound: String.Index, output: Date)?
func day(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Day = .defaultDigits) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the day of the month in the format.
func dayOfYear(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.DayOfYear = .defaultDigits) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the day of the year in the format.
func discreteInput(after input: Date) -> Date?
func discreteInput(before input: Date) -> Date?
func encode(to encoder: any Encoder) throws
func era(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Era = .abbreviated) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the era in the format.
func format(_ value: Date) -> String
func hour(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Hour = .defaultDigits(amPM: .abbreviated)) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the hour in the format.
func input(after input: Date) -> Date?
func input(before input: Date) -> Date?
func locale(_ locale: Locale) -> Date.FormatStyle
func minute(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Minute = .defaultDigits) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the minute in the format.
func month(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Month = .abbreviated) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the month in the format.
func parse(_ value: String) throws -> Date
func quarter(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Quarter = .abbreviated) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the quarter in the format.
func second(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Second = .defaultDigits) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the second in the format.
func secondFraction(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.SecondFraction) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the second fraction in the format.
func timeZone(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.TimeZone = .specificName(.short)) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the time zone in the format.
func week(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Week = .defaultDigits) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the week in the format.
func weekday(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Weekday = .abbreviated) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the weekday in the format.
func year(_ format: Date.FormatStyle.Symbol.Year = .defaultDigits) -> Date.FormatStyle
Change the representation of the year in the format.
@dynamicMemberLookup struct Attributed
The type preserving attributed variant of this style.
struct Symbol
struct TimeStyle
Predefined time styles varied in lengths or the components included. The exact format depends on the locale.
typealias RegexOutput = Date
protocol Decodable
A type that can decode itself from an external representation.
protocol Encodable
A type that can encode itself to an external representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
protocol Sendable
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
static let abbreviated: Date.FormatStyle.DateStyle
Shows date components in their abbreviated form if possible. For example, “Oct 21, 2015”.
static let complete: Date.FormatStyle.DateStyle
Shows the complete day. For example, “Wednesday, October 21, 2015”.
static let long: Date.FormatStyle.DateStyle
Shows date components in their long form if possible. For example, “October 21, 2015”.
static let numeric: Date.FormatStyle.DateStyle
Shows date components in their numeric form. For example, “10/21/2015”.
static let omitted: Date.FormatStyle.DateStyle
Excludes the date part.
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.