init(date: Date.FormatStyle.DateStyle? = nil, time: Date.FormatStyle.TimeStyle? = nil, locale: Locale = .autoupdatingCurrent, calendar: Calendar = .autoupdatingCurrent, timeZone: TimeZone = .autoupdatingCurrent, capitalizationContext: FormatStyleCapitalizationContext = .unknown)
Creates a new FormatStyle
with the given configurations.
static func list<MemberStyle, Base>(memberStyle: MemberStyle, type: ListFormatStyle<MemberStyle, Base>.ListType, width: ListFormatStyle<MemberStyle, Base>.Width = .standard) -> Self where Self == ListFormatStyle<MemberStyle, Base>, MemberStyle : FormatStyle, Base : Sequence, MemberStyle.FormatInput == Base.Element, MemberStyle.FormatOutput == String
static func list<Base>(type: ListFormatStyle<StringStyle, Base>.ListType, width: ListFormatStyle<StringStyle, Base>.Width = .standard) -> Self where Self == ListFormatStyle<StringStyle, Base>, Base : Sequence, Base.Element == String