Structureswift 6.0.3FoundationEssentials
- iOS
- 15+
- macOS
- 12+
- tvOS
- 15+
- watchOS
- 8+
struct Iterator
struct Iterator
What are these?7ITEL
import FoundationEssentials
@preconcurrency struct AttributesSlice2<T, U> where T : AttributedStringKey, U : AttributedStringKey, T.Value : Sendable, U.Value : Sendable
@dynamicMemberLookup struct AttributedString
struct Runs
var endIndex: AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Index { get }
var startIndex: AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Index { get }
subscript(position: AttributedString.Index) -> AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Element { get }
func index(after i: AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Index) -> AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Index
func index(before i: AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Index) -> AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Index
func makeIterator() -> AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Iterator
typealias Element = (T.Value?, U.Value?, Range<AttributedString.Index>)
typealias Index = AttributedString.Index
protocol IteratorProtocol<Element>
A type that supplies the values of a sequence one at a time.
protocol Sendable
mutating func next() -> AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Iterator.Element?
typealias Element = AttributedString.Runs.AttributesSlice2<T, U>.Element