Structureswift 6.0.3FoundationEssentials
- iOS
- 15+
- macOS
- 12+
- tvOS
- 15+
- watchOS
- 8+
@dynamicMemberLookup struct AttributedString
@dynamicMemberLookup struct AttributedString
import FoundationEssentials
protocol AttributedStringAttributeMutation
@dynamicMemberLookup protocol AttributedStringProtocol : AttributedStringAttributeMutation, CustomStringConvertible, Hashable, Sendable
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Escapable
protocol ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral : ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral
A type that can be initialized with a string literal containing a single extended grapheme cluster.
protocol ExpressibleByStringLiteral : ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral
A type that can be initialized with a string literal.
protocol ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral
A type that can be initialized with a string literal containing a single Unicode scalar value.
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
protocol Sendable
init(_ substring: AttributedSubstring)
init(_ string: String, attributes: AttributeContainer = .init())
Creates a new attributed string with the given String
value associated with the given attributes.
init(_ substring: Substring, attributes: AttributeContainer = .init())
Creates a new attributed string with the given Substring
value associated with the given attributes.
init<S>(_ elements: S, attributes: AttributeContainer = .init()) where S : Sequence, S.Element == Character
init(stringLiteral value: String)
var characters: AttributedString.CharacterView { get set }
var endIndex: AttributedString.Index { get }
var runs: AttributedString.Runs { get }
var startIndex: AttributedString.Index { get }
var unicodeScalars: AttributedString.UnicodeScalarView { get set }
@preconcurrency subscript<K>(_: K.Type) -> K.Value? where K : AttributedStringKey, K.Value : Sendable { get set }
subscript(bounds: some RangeExpression<AttributedString.Index>) -> AttributedSubstring { get set }
@preconcurrency subscript<K>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K>) -> K.Value? where K : AttributedStringKey, K.Value : Sendable { get set }
subscript<S>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<AttributeScopes, S.Type>) -> ScopedAttributeContainer<S> where S : AttributeScope { get set }
static func + (lhs: AttributedString, rhs: AttributedString) -> AttributedString
static func + (lhs: AttributedString, rhs: some AttributedStringProtocol) -> AttributedString
static func += (lhs: inout AttributedString, rhs: AttributedString)
static func += (lhs: inout AttributedString, rhs: some AttributedStringProtocol)
static func == (lhs: AttributedString, rhs: AttributedString) -> Bool
mutating func append(_ s: some AttributedStringProtocol)
mutating func insert(_ s: some AttributedStringProtocol, at index: AttributedString.Index)
mutating func mergeAttributes(_ attributes: AttributeContainer, mergePolicy: AttributedString.AttributeMergePolicy = .keepNew)
mutating func removeSubrange(_ range: some RangeExpression<AttributedString.Index>)
mutating func replaceAttributes(_ attributes: AttributeContainer, with others: AttributeContainer)
mutating func replaceSubrange(_ range: some RangeExpression<AttributedString.Index>, with s: some AttributedStringProtocol)
mutating func setAttributes(_ attributes: AttributeContainer)
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K>(_ k: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K>, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K : AttributedStringKey, K.Value : Sendable
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K>(_ k: K.Type, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K : AttributedStringKey, K.Value : Sendable
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K1, K2>(_ k: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K1>, _ k2: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K2>, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K1>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K2>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K1 : AttributedStringKey, K2 : AttributedStringKey, K1.Value : Sendable, K2.Value : Sendable
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K1, K2>(_ k: K1.Type, _ k2: K2.Type, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K1>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K2>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K1 : AttributedStringKey, K2 : AttributedStringKey, K1.Value : Sendable, K2.Value : Sendable
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K1, K2, K3>(_ k: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K1>, _ k2: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K2>, _ k3: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K3>, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K1>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K2>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K3>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K1 : AttributedStringKey, K2 : AttributedStringKey, K3 : AttributedStringKey, K1.Value : Sendable, K2.Value : Sendable, K3.Value : Sendable
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K1, K2, K3>(_ k: K1.Type, _ k2: K2.Type, _ k3: K3.Type, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K1>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K2>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K3>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K1 : AttributedStringKey, K2 : AttributedStringKey, K3 : AttributedStringKey, K1.Value : Sendable, K2.Value : Sendable, K3.Value : Sendable
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K1, K2, K3, K4>(_ k: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K1>, _ k2: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K2>, _ k3: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K3>, _ k4: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K4>, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K1>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K2>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K3>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K4>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K1 : AttributedStringKey, K2 : AttributedStringKey, K3 : AttributedStringKey, K4 : AttributedStringKey, K1.Value : Sendable, K2.Value : Sendable, K3.Value : Sendable, K4.Value : Sendable
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K1, K2, K3, K4>(_ k: K1.Type, _ k2: K2.Type, _ k3: K3.Type, _ k4: K4.Type, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K1>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K2>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K3>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K4>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K1 : AttributedStringKey, K2 : AttributedStringKey, K3 : AttributedStringKey, K4 : AttributedStringKey, K1.Value : Sendable, K2.Value : Sendable, K3.Value : Sendable, K4.Value : Sendable
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K1, K2, K3, K4, K5>(_ k: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K1>, _ k2: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K2>, _ k3: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K3>, _ k4: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K4>, _ k5: KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K5>, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K1>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K2>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K3>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K4>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K5>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K1 : AttributedStringKey, K2 : AttributedStringKey, K3 : AttributedStringKey, K4 : AttributedStringKey, K5 : AttributedStringKey, K1.Value : Sendable, K2.Value : Sendable, K3.Value : Sendable, K4.Value : Sendable, K5.Value : Sendable
@preconcurrency func transformingAttributes<K1, K2, K3, K4, K5>(_ k: K1.Type, _ k2: K2.Type, _ k3: K3.Type, _ k4: K4.Type, _ k5: K5.Type, _ c: (inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K1>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K2>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K3>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K4>, inout AttributedString.SingleAttributeTransformer<K5>) -> Void) -> AttributedString where K1 : AttributedStringKey, K2 : AttributedStringKey, K3 : AttributedStringKey, K4 : AttributedStringKey, K5 : AttributedStringKey, K1.Value : Sendable, K2.Value : Sendable, K3.Value : Sendable, K4.Value : Sendable, K5.Value : Sendable
struct AttributeInvalidationCondition
enum AttributeMergePolicy
enum AttributeRunBoundaries
struct CharacterView
struct Index
struct Runs
@preconcurrency struct SingleAttributeTransformer<T> where T : AttributedStringKey, T.Value : Sendable
struct UnicodeScalarView
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: Self.StringLiteralType)
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: Self.ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType)
var description: String { get }
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : AttributedStringProtocol
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
func index(_ i: AttributedString.Index, offsetByCharacters distance: Int) -> AttributedString.Index
func index(_ i: AttributedString.Index, offsetByRuns distance: Int) -> AttributedString.Index
func index(_ i: AttributedString.Index, offsetByUnicodeScalars distance: Int) -> AttributedString.Index
func index(afterCharacter i: AttributedString.Index) -> AttributedString.Index
func index(afterRun i: AttributedString.Index) -> AttributedString.Index
func index(afterUnicodeScalar i: AttributedString.Index) -> AttributedString.Index
func index(beforeCharacter i: AttributedString.Index) -> AttributedString.Index
func index(beforeRun i: AttributedString.Index) -> AttributedString.Index
func index(beforeUnicodeScalar i: AttributedString.Index) -> AttributedString.Index
func mergingAttributes(_ attributes: AttributeContainer, mergePolicy: AttributedString.AttributeMergePolicy = .keepNew) -> AttributedString
func range<T>(of stringToFind: T, options: String.CompareOptions = [], locale: Locale? = nil) -> Range<AttributedString.Index>? where T : StringProtocol
func replacingAttributes(_ attributes: AttributeContainer, with others: AttributeContainer) -> AttributedString
func settingAttributes(_ attributes: AttributeContainer) -> AttributedString