Structureswift 6.0.3Foundation
The Objective-C BOOL type.
@frozen struct ObjCBool
On 64-bit iOS, the Objective-C BOOL type is a typedef of C/C++ bool. Elsewhere, it is “signed char”. The Clang importer imports it as ObjCBool.
The Objective-C BOOL type.
@frozen struct ObjCBool
On 64-bit iOS, the Objective-C BOOL type is a typedef of C/C++ bool. Elsewhere, it is “signed char”. The Clang importer imports it as ObjCBool.
import Foundation
protocol BitwiseCopyable
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol CustomReflectable
A type that explicitly supplies its own mirror.
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Escapable
protocol ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral
A type that can be initialized with the Boolean literals true
and false
protocol Sendable
init(_ value: Bool)
init(booleanLiteral value: Bool)
Create an instance initialized to value
var boolValue: Bool { get }
The value of self
, expressed as a Bool
var customMirror: Mirror { get }
Returns a mirror that reflects self
var description: String { get }
A textual representation of self