Open Classswift 6.0.3Foundation
class NSRecursiveLock
class NSRecursiveLock
import Foundation
class NSObject
The root class of most Foundation class hierarchies.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
protocol NSLocking
protocol NSObjectProtocol : AnyObject
The NSObjectProtocol
groups methods that are fundamental to all Foundation objects.
protocol Sendable
override init()
var name: String?
func lock()
func lock(before limit: Date) -> Bool
func `try`() -> Bool
func unlock()
func withLock<R>(_ body: () throws -> R) rethrows -> R