Manages a Set
of integer values, which are commonly used as an index type in Cocoa API.
struct IndexSet
The range of valid integer values is 0..<INT_MAX-1. Anything outside this range is an error.
Manages a Set
of integer values, which are commonly used as an index type in Cocoa API.
struct IndexSet
The range of valid integer values is 0..<INT_MAX-1. Anything outside this range is an error.
import Foundation
protocol BidirectionalCollection<Element> : Collection where Self.Indices : BidirectionalCollection, Self.SubSequence : BidirectionalCollection
A collection that supports backward as well as forward traversal.
protocol Collection<Element> : Sequence
A sequence whose elements can be traversed multiple times, nondestructively, and accessed by an indexed subscript.
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol CustomReflectable
A type that explicitly supplies its own mirror.
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Decodable
A type that can decode itself from an external representation.
protocol Encodable
A type that can encode itself to an external representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Escapable
protocol ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
A type that can be initialized using an array literal.
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
protocol ReferenceConvertible : CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomStringConvertible, Hashable
Decorates types which are backed by a Foundation reference type.
protocol Sendable
protocol Sequence<Element>
A type that provides sequential, iterated access to its elements.
protocol SetAlgebra<Element> : Equatable, ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
A type that provides mathematical set operations.
Initialize an empty IndexSet
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
init(integer: IndexSet.Element)
Initialize an IndexSet
with a single integer.
init(integersIn range: Range<IndexSet.Element>)
Initialize an IndexSet
with a range of integers.
init<R>(integersIn range: R) where R : RangeExpression, R.Bound == Int
Initialize an IndexSet
with a range of integers.
var count: Int { get }
Returns the number of integers in self
var customMirror: Mirror { get }
var debugDescription: String { get }
var description: String { get }
var endIndex: IndexSet.Index { get }
var first: IndexSet.Element? { get }
Returns the first integer in self
, or nil if self
is empty.
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
Returns true
if self contains no values.
var last: IndexSet.Element? { get }
Returns the last integer in self
, or nil if self
is empty.
var rangeView: IndexSet.RangeView { get }
Returns a Range
-based view of the entire contents of self
var startIndex: IndexSet.Index { get }
subscript(index: IndexSet.Index) -> IndexSet.Element { get }
subscript(bounds: Range<IndexSet.Index>) -> Slice<IndexSet> { get }
static func == (lhs: IndexSet, rhs: IndexSet) -> Bool
func contains(_ integer: IndexSet.Element) -> Bool
Returns true
if self
contains integer
func contains(integersIn indexSet: IndexSet) -> Bool
Returns true
if self
contains all of the integers in indexSet
func contains(integersIn range: Range<IndexSet.Element>) -> Bool
Returns true
if self
contains all of the integers in range
func contains<R>(integersIn range: R) -> Bool where R : RangeExpression, R.Bound == Int
Returns true
if self
contains all of the integers in range
func count(in range: Range<IndexSet.Element>) -> Int
Returns the count of integers in self
that intersect range
func count<R>(in range: R) -> Int where R : RangeExpression, R.Bound == Int
Returns the count of integers in self
that intersect range
func encode(to encoder: any Encoder) throws
func filteredIndexSet(in range: ClosedRange<IndexSet.Element>, includeInteger: (IndexSet.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> IndexSet
Returns an IndexSet filtered according to the result of includeInteger
func filteredIndexSet(in range: Range<IndexSet.Element>, includeInteger: (IndexSet.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> IndexSet
Returns an IndexSet filtered according to the result of includeInteger
func filteredIndexSet(includeInteger: (IndexSet.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> IndexSet
Returns an IndexSet filtered according to the result of includeInteger
func formIndex(after i: inout IndexSet.Index)
func formIndex(before i: inout IndexSet.Index)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: IndexSet)
Intersect the IndexSet
with other
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: IndexSet)
Exclusive or the IndexSet
with other
mutating func formUnion(_ other: IndexSet)
Union the IndexSet
with other
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
func index(after i: IndexSet.Index) -> IndexSet.Index
func index(before i: IndexSet.Index) -> IndexSet.Index
func indexRange(in range: Range<IndexSet.Element>) -> Range<IndexSet.Index>
Return a Range<IndexSet.Index>
which can be used to subscript the index set.
func indexRange<R>(in range: R) -> Range<IndexSet.Index> where R : RangeExpression, R.Bound == Int
Return a Range<IndexSet.Index>
which can be used to subscript the index set.
@discardableResult mutating func insert(_ integer: IndexSet.Element) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: IndexSet.Element)
Insert an integer into the IndexSet
mutating func insert(integersIn range: Range<IndexSet.Element>)
Insert a range of integers into the IndexSet
mutating func insert<R>(integersIn range: R) where R : RangeExpression, R.Bound == Int
Insert a range of integers into the IndexSet
func integerGreaterThan(_ integer: IndexSet.Element) -> IndexSet.Element?
Returns an integer contained in self
which is greater than integer
, or nil
if a result could not be found.
func integerGreaterThanOrEqualTo(_ integer: IndexSet.Element) -> IndexSet.Element?
Returns an integer contained in self
which is greater than or equal to integer
, or nil
if a result could not be found.
func integerLessThan(_ integer: IndexSet.Element) -> IndexSet.Element?
Returns an integer contained in self
which is less than integer
, or nil
if a result could not be found.
func integerLessThanOrEqualTo(_ integer: IndexSet.Element) -> IndexSet.Element?
Returns an integer contained in self
which is less than or equal to integer
, or nil
if a result could not be found.
func intersection(_ other: IndexSet) -> IndexSet
Intersect the IndexSet
with other
func intersects(integersIn range: Range<IndexSet.Element>) -> Bool
Returns true
if self
intersects any of the integers in range
func intersects<R>(integersIn range: R) -> Bool where R : RangeExpression, R.Bound == Int
Returns true
if self
intersects any of the integers in range
func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<IndexSet>
func rangeView(of range: Range<IndexSet.Element>) -> IndexSet.RangeView
Returns a Range
-based view of self
func rangeView<R>(of range: R) -> IndexSet.RangeView where R : RangeExpression, R.Bound == Int
Returns a Range
-based view of self
@discardableResult mutating func remove(_ integer: IndexSet.Element) -> IndexSet.Element?
Remove an integer from the IndexSet
mutating func remove(integersIn range: ClosedRange<IndexSet.Element>)
Remove a range of integers from the IndexSet
mutating func remove(integersIn range: Range<IndexSet.Element>)
Remove a range of integers from the IndexSet
mutating func removeAll()
Remove all values from the IndexSet
mutating func shift(startingAt integer: IndexSet.Element, by delta: Int)
For a positive delta, shifts the indexes in [index, INT_MAX] to the right, thereby inserting an “empty space” [index, delta], for a negative delta, shifts the indexes in [index, INT_MAX] to the left, thereby deleting the indexes in the range [index - delta, delta].
func symmetricDifference(_ other: IndexSet) -> IndexSet
Exclusive or the IndexSet
with other
func union(_ other: IndexSet) -> IndexSet
Union the IndexSet
with other
@discardableResult mutating func update(with integer: IndexSet.Element) -> IndexSet.Element?
Insert an integer into the IndexSet
struct Index
The mechanism for accessing the integers stored in an IndexSet.
struct RangeView
An view of the contents of an IndexSet, organized by range.
typealias Element = Int
typealias ReferenceType = NSIndexSet
init<S>(_ sequence: S) where S : Sequence, Self.Element == S.Element
Creates a new set from a finite sequence of items.
init(arrayLiteral: Self.Element...)
Creates a set containing the elements of the given array literal.
var indices: DefaultIndices<Self> { get }
The indices that are valid for subscripting the collection, in ascending order.
var lazy: LazySequence<Self> { get }
A sequence containing the same elements as this sequence, but on which some operations, such as map
and filter
, are implemented lazily.
var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
A value less than or equal to the number of elements in the collection.
subscript<R>(r: R) -> Self.SubSequence where R : RangeExpression, Self.Index == R.Bound { get }
Accesses the contiguous subrange of the collection’s elements specified by a range expression.
subscript(x: (UnboundedRange_) -> ()) -> Self.SubSequence { get }
subscript(subranges: RangeSet<Self.Index>) -> DiscontiguousSlice<Self> { get }
Accesses a view of this collection with the elements at the given indices.
subscript(bounds: Range<Self.Index>) -> Slice<Self> { get }
Accesses a contiguous subrange of the collection’s elements.
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
func allSatisfy(_ predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether every element of a sequence satisfies a given predicate.
func compactMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Self.Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
Returns an array containing the non-nil
results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
func compare<Comparator>(_ lhs: Comparator.Compared, _ rhs: Comparator.Compared) -> ComparisonResult where Comparator : SortComparator, Comparator == Self.Element
If lhs
is ordered before rhs
in the ordering described by the given sequence of SortComparator
func contains(where predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence contains an element that satisfies the given predicate.
func count<E>(where predicate: (Self.Element) throws(E) -> Bool) throws(E) -> Int where E : Error
Returns the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the given predicate.
func difference<C>(from other: C) -> CollectionDifference<Self.Element> where C : BidirectionalCollection, Self.Element == C.Element
Returns the difference needed to produce this collection’s ordered elements from the given collection.
func difference<C>(from other: C, by areEquivalent: (C.Element, Self.Element) -> Bool) -> CollectionDifference<Self.Element> where C : BidirectionalCollection, Self.Element == C.Element
Returns the difference needed to produce this collection’s ordered elements from the given collection, using the given predicate as an equivalence test.
func distance(from start: Self.Index, to end: Self.Index) -> Int
func drop(while predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.SubSequence
Returns a subsequence by skipping elements while predicate
returns true
and returning the remaining elements.
func dropFirst(_ k: Int = 1) -> Self.SubSequence
Returns a subsequence containing all but the given number of initial elements.
func dropLast(_ k: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
Returns a subsequence containing all but the specified number of final elements.
func elementsEqual<OtherSequence>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool where OtherSequence : Sequence, Self.Element == OtherSequence.Element
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this sequence and another sequence contain the same elements in the same order.
func elementsEqual<OtherSequence>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areEquivalent: (Self.Element, OtherSequence.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool where OtherSequence : Sequence
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this sequence and another sequence contain equivalent elements in the same order, using the given predicate as the equivalence test.
func enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<Self>
Returns a sequence of pairs (n, x), where n represents a consecutive integer starting at zero and x represents an element of the sequence.
func filter(_ isIncluded: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Self.Element]
Returns an array containing, in order, the elements of the sequence that satisfy the given predicate.
func filter(_ predicate: Predicate<Self.Element>) throws -> [Self.Element]
func first(where predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Element?
Returns the first element of the sequence that satisfies the given predicate.
func firstIndex(of element: Self.Element) -> Self.Index?
Returns the first index where the specified value appears in the collection.
func firstIndex(where predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Index?
Returns the first index in which an element of the collection satisfies the given predicate.
func firstRange<C>(of other: C) -> Range<Self.Index>? where C : Collection, Self.Element == C.Element
Finds and returns the range of the first occurrence of a given collection within this collection.
func firstRange<C>(of other: C) -> Range<Self.Index>? where C : Collection, Self.Element == C.Element
Finds and returns the range of the first occurrence of a given collection within this collection.
func flatMap<SegmentOfResult>(_ transform: (Self.Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Element] where SegmentOfResult : Sequence
Returns an array containing the concatenated results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
func forEach(_ body: (Self.Element) throws -> Void) rethrows
Calls the given closure on each element in the sequence in the same order as a for
func formIndex(_ i: inout Self.Index, offsetBy distance: Int)
Offsets the given index by the specified distance.
func formIndex(_ i: inout Self.Index, offsetBy distance: Int, limitedBy limit: Self.Index) -> Bool
Offsets the given index by the specified distance, or so that it equals the given limiting index.
func formatted<S>(_ style: S) -> S.FormatOutput where Self == S.FormatInput, S : FormatStyle
func index(_ i: Self.Index, offsetBy distance: Int) -> Self.Index
func index(_ i: Self.Index, offsetBy distance: Int, limitedBy limit: Self.Index) -> Self.Index?
func indices(of element: Self.Element) -> RangeSet<Self.Index>
Returns the indices of all the elements that are equal to the given element.
func indices(where predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> RangeSet<Self.Index>
Returns the indices of all the elements that match the given predicate.
func isDisjoint(with other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set has no members in common with the given set.
func isStrictSubset(of other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this set is a strict subset of the given set.
func isStrictSuperset(of other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this set is a strict superset of the given set.
func isSubset(of other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a subset of another set.
func isSuperset(of other: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a superset of the given set.
func last(where predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Element?
Returns the last element of the sequence that satisfies the given predicate.
func lastIndex(of element: Self.Element) -> Self.Index?
Returns the last index where the specified value appears in the collection.
func lastIndex(where predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Index?
Returns the index of the last element in the collection that matches the given predicate.
func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool where OtherSequence : Sequence, Self.Element == OtherSequence.Element
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence precedes another sequence in a lexicographical (dictionary) ordering, using the less-than operator (<
) to compare elements.
func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areInIncreasingOrder: (Self.Element, Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool where OtherSequence : Sequence, Self.Element == OtherSequence.Element
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence precedes another sequence in a lexicographical (dictionary) ordering, using the given predicate to compare elements.
func map<T, E>(_ transform: (Self.Element) throws(E) -> T) throws(E) -> [T] where E : Error
Returns an array containing the results of mapping the given closure over the sequence’s elements.
func map<T, E>(_ transform: (Self.Element) throws(E) -> T) throws(E) -> [T] where E : Error
Returns an array containing the results of mapping the given closure over the sequence’s elements.
@warn_unqualified_access func max() -> Self.Element?
Returns the maximum element in the sequence.
@warn_unqualified_access func max(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Self.Element, Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Element?
Returns the maximum element in the sequence, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements.
@warn_unqualified_access func min() -> Self.Element?
Returns the minimum element in the sequence.
@warn_unqualified_access func min(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Self.Element, Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Element?
Returns the minimum element in the sequence, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements.
func prefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
Returns a subsequence, up to the specified maximum length, containing the initial elements of the collection.
func prefix(through position: Self.Index) -> Self.SubSequence
Returns a subsequence from the start of the collection through the specified position.
func prefix(upTo end: Self.Index) -> Self.SubSequence
Returns a subsequence from the start of the collection up to, but not including, the specified position.
func prefix(while predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.SubSequence
Returns a subsequence containing the initial elements until predicate
returns false
and skipping the remaining elements.
func randomElement() -> Self.Element?
Returns a random element of the collection.
func randomElement<T>(using generator: inout T) -> Self.Element? where T : RandomNumberGenerator
Returns a random element of the collection, using the given generator as a source for randomness.
func ranges<C>(of other: C) -> [Range<Self.Index>] where C : Collection, Self.Element == C.Element
Finds and returns the ranges of the all occurrences of a given sequence within the collection.
func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Self.Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
Returns the result of combining the elements of the sequence using the given closure.
func reduce<Result>(into initialResult: Result, _ updateAccumulatingResult: (inout Result, Self.Element) throws -> ()) rethrows -> Result
Returns the result of combining the elements of the sequence using the given closure.
func removingSubranges(_ subranges: RangeSet<Self.Index>) -> DiscontiguousSlice<Self>
Returns a collection of the elements in this collection that are not represented by the given range set.
func reversed() -> ReversedCollection<Self>
Returns a view presenting the elements of the collection in reverse order.
func shuffled() -> [Self.Element]
Returns the elements of the sequence, shuffled.
func shuffled<T>(using generator: inout T) -> [Self.Element] where T : RandomNumberGenerator
Returns the elements of the sequence, shuffled using the given generator as a source for randomness.
func sorted() -> [Self.Element]
Returns the elements of the sequence, sorted.
func sorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Self.Element, Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Self.Element]
Returns the elements of the sequence, sorted using the given predicate as the comparison between elements.
func sorted<Comparator>(using comparator: Comparator) -> [Self.Element] where Comparator : SortComparator, Self.Element == Comparator.Compared
Returns the elements of the sequence, sorted using the given comparator to compare elements.
func sorted<S, Comparator>(using comparators: S) -> [Self.Element] where S : Sequence, Comparator : SortComparator, Comparator == S.Element, Self.Element == Comparator.Compared
Returns the elements of the sequence, sorted using the given array of SortComparator
s to compare elements.
func split(maxSplits: Int = Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = true, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Self.SubSequence]
Returns the longest possible subsequences of the collection, in order, that don’t contain elements satisfying the given predicate.
func split(separator: Self.Element, maxSplits: Int = Int.max, omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = true) -> [Self.SubSequence]
Returns the longest possible subsequences of the collection, in order, around elements equal to the given element.
func starts<PossiblePrefix>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, Self.Element == PossiblePrefix.Element
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the initial elements of the sequence are the same as the elements in another sequence.
func starts<PossiblePrefix>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, by areEquivalent: (Self.Element, PossiblePrefix.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool where PossiblePrefix : Sequence
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the initial elements of the sequence are equivalent to the elements in another sequence, using the given predicate as the equivalence test.
mutating func subtract(_ other: Self)
Removes the elements of the given set from this set.
func subtracting(_ other: Self) -> Self
Returns a new set containing the elements of this set that do not occur in the given set.
func suffix(_ maxLength: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
Returns a subsequence, up to the given maximum length, containing the final elements of the collection.
func suffix(from start: Self.Index) -> Self.SubSequence
Returns a subsequence from the specified position to the end of the collection.
func trimmingPrefix<Prefix>(_ prefix: Prefix) -> Self.SubSequence where Prefix : Sequence, Self.Element == Prefix.Element
Returns a new collection of the same type by removing prefix
from the start of the collection.
func trimmingPrefix(while predicate: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.SubSequence
func withContiguousStorageIfAvailable<R>(_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Self.Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R?
func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Self.Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
func index(of element: Self.Element) -> Self.Index?
Returns the first index where the specified value appears in the collection.
import Vapor
Vapor is a framework for building server applications, APIs and websites in Swift. It provides a safe, performant and scalable foundation for building large complex backends.
func adjacentPairs() -> AdjacentPairsCollection<Self>
Returns a collection of overlapping adjacent pairs of the elements of this collection.
func chunked(by belongInSameGroup: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [SubSequence]
Returns a collection of subsequences of this collection, chunked by the given predicate.
func chunked<Subject>(on projection: (Element) throws -> Subject) rethrows -> [(Subject, SubSequence)] where Subject : Equatable
Returns a collection of subsequences of this collection, chunked by grouping elements that project to equal values.
func chunks(ofCount count: Int) -> ChunksOfCountCollection<Self>
Returns a collection of subsequences, each with up to the specified length.
func combinations(ofCount k: Int) -> CombinationsSequence<Self>
Returns a collection of combinations of this collection’s elements, with each combination having the specified number of elements.
func compacted<Unwrapped>() -> CompactedSequence<Self, Unwrapped> where Self.Element == Unwrapped?
Returns a new Sequence
that iterates over every non-nil element from the original Sequence
func compacted<Unwrapped>() -> CompactedCollection<Self, Unwrapped> where Self.Element == Unwrapped?
Returns a new Collection
that iterates over every non-nil element from the original Collection
func cycled() -> CycledSequence<Self>
Returns a sequence that repeats the elements of this collection forever.
func cycled(times: Int) -> CycledTimesCollection<Self>
Returns a sequence that repeats the elements of this collection the specified number of times.
func endOfPrefix(while predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Index
Returns the exclusive upper bound of the prefix of elements that satisfy the predicate.
func evenlyChunked(in count: Int) -> EvenlyChunkedCollection<Self>
Returns a collection of evenly divided consecutive subsequences of this collection.
func firstNonNil<Result>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> Result?) rethrows -> Result?
Returns the first non-nil
result obtained from applying the given transformation to the elements of the sequence.
func flatten<Value>(on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<[Value]> where Self.Element == EventLoopFuture<Value>
Converts a collection of EventLoopFuture
s to an EventLoopFuture
that wraps an array with the future values.
func grouped<GroupKey>(by keyForValue: (Element) throws -> GroupKey) rethrows -> [GroupKey : [Element]] where GroupKey : Hashable
Groups up elements of self
into a new Dictionary, whose values are Arrays of grouped elements, each keyed by the group key returned by the given closure.
func indexed() -> IndexedCollection<Self>
Returns a collection of pairs (i, x), where i represents an index of the collection, and x represents an element.
func interspersed(with separator: Element) -> InterspersedSequence<Self>
Returns a sequence containing elements of this sequence with the given separator inserted in between each element.
func keyed<Key>(by keyForValue: (Element) throws -> Key) rethrows -> [Key : Element] where Key : Hashable
Creates a new Dictionary from the elements of self
, keyed by the results returned by the given keyForValue
func keyed<Key>(by keyForValue: (Element) throws -> Key, resolvingConflictsWith resolve: (Key, Element, Element) throws -> Element) rethrows -> [Key : Element] where Key : Hashable
Creates a new Dictionary from the elements of self
, keyed by the results returned by the given keyForValue
closure. As the dictionary is built, the initializer calls the resolve
closure with the current and new values for any duplicate keys. Pass a closure as resolve
that returns the value to use in the resulting dictionary: The closure can choose between the two values, combine them to produce a new value, or even throw an error.
func max(count: Int) -> [Element]
Returns the largest elements of this collection.
func max(count: Int, sortedBy areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]
Returns the largest elements of this collection, as sorted by the given predicate.
func min(count: Int) -> [Element]
Returns the smallest elements of this collection.
func min(count: Int, sortedBy areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]
Returns the smallest elements of this collection, as sorted by the given predicate.
func minAndMax() -> (min: Element, max: Element)?
Returns both the minimum and maximum elements in the sequence.
func minAndMax(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> (min: Element, max: Element)?
Returns both the minimum and maximum elements in the sequence, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements.
func partitioned(by predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> (falseElements: [Element], trueElements: [Element])
Returns two arrays containing, in order, the elements of the collection that do and don’t satisfy the given predicate.
func partitioningIndex(where belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Index
Returns the start index of the partition of a collection that matches the given predicate.
func permutations(ofCount k: Int? = nil) -> PermutationsSequence<Self>
Returns a collection of the permutations of this collection of the specified length.
func randomSample(count k: Int) -> [Element]
Randomly selects the specified number of elements from this collection.
func randomSample<G>(count k: Int, using rng: inout G) -> [Element] where G : RandomNumberGenerator
Randomly selects the specified number of elements from this sequence.
func randomSample<G>(count k: Int, using rng: inout G) -> [Element] where G : RandomNumberGenerator
Randomly selects the specified number of elements from this collection.
func randomStableSample(count k: Int) -> [Element]
Randomly selects the specified number of elements from this collection, maintaining their relative order.
func randomStableSample<G>(count k: Int, using rng: inout G) -> [Element] where G : RandomNumberGenerator
Randomly selects the specified number of elements from this collection, maintaining their relative order.
func reductions(_ transform: (Element, Element) throws -> Element) rethrows -> [Element]
Returns an array containing the accumulated results of combining the elements of the sequence using the given closure.
func reductions<Result>(_ initial: Result, _ transform: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> [Result]
Returns an array containing the accumulated results of combining the elements of the sequence using the given closure.
func reductions<Result>(into initial: Result, _ transform: (inout Result, Element) throws -> Void) rethrows -> [Result]
Returns an array containing the accumulated results of combining the elements of the sequence using the given closure.
func secureCompare<C>(to other: C) -> Bool where C : Collection, Self.Element == C.Element
Performs a full-comparison of all elements in two collections. If the two collections have a different number of elements, the function will compare all elements in the smaller collection first and then return false.
func sequencedFlatMapEach(on eventLoop: EventLoop, _ transform: @escaping (_ element: Element) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
An overload of sequencedFlatMapEach(on:_:)
which returns a Void
future instead of [Void]
when the result type of the transform closure is Void
func sequencedFlatMapEachCompact<Result>(on eventLoop: EventLoop, _ transform: @escaping (_ element: Element) -> EventLoopFuture<Result?>) -> EventLoopFuture<[Result]>
Variant of sequencedFlatMapEach(on:_:)
which provides compactMap()
semantics by allowing result values to be nil
. Such results are not included in the output array.
func startOfSuffix(while predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Index
Returns the inclusive lower bound of the suffix of elements that satisfy the predicate.
func striding(by step: Int) -> StridingCollection<Self>
Returns a sequence stepping through the elements every step
starting at the first value. Any remainders of the stride will be trimmed.
func suffix(while predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> SubSequence
Returns a subsequence containing the elements from the end until predicate
returns false
and skipping the remaining elements.
func trimming(while predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> SubSequence
Returns a SubSequence
formed by discarding all elements at the start and end of the collection which satisfy the given predicate.
func trimmingSuffix(while predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> SubSequence
Returns a SubSequence
formed by discarding all elements at the end of the collection which satisfy the given predicate.
func uniquePermutations(ofCount k: Int? = nil) -> UniquePermutationsSequence<Self>
Returns a sequence of the unique permutations of this sequence of the specified length.
func uniqued() -> UniquedSequence<Self, Element>
Returns a sequence with only the unique elements of this sequence, in the order of the first occurrence of each unique element.
func uniqued<Subject>(on projection: (Element) throws -> Subject) rethrows -> [Element] where Subject : Hashable
Returns an array with the unique elements of this sequence (as determined by the given projection), in the order of the first occurrence of each unique element.
func windows(ofCount count: Int) -> WindowsOfCountCollection<Self>
Returns a collection of all the overlapping slices of a given size.
func scan(_ transform: (Element, Element) throws -> Element) rethrows -> [Element]
func scan<Result>(_ initial: Result, _ transform: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> [Result]
func scan<Result>(into initial: Result, _ transform: (inout Result, Element) throws -> Void) rethrows -> [Result]