Enumerationswift 6.0.1_RegexParser
enum EscapedBuiltin
case alarm
case backspace
\b (from within a custom character class)
case carriageReturn
case decimalDigit
case endOfSubject
case endOfSubjectBeforeNewline
case escape
case firstMatchingPositionInSubject
case formfeed
case graphemeCluster
case horizontalWhitespace
case newline
case newlineSequence
case notDecimalDigit
case notHorizontalWhitespace
case notNewline
case notTextSegment
case notVerticalTab
case notWhitespace
case notWordBoundary
case notWordCharacter
case resetStartOfMatch
case singleDataUnit
case startOfSubject
case tab
case textSegment
case trueAnychar
case verticalTab
case whitespace
case wordBoundary
\b (from outside a custom character class)
case wordCharacter
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struct BacktrackingDirective
enum Callout
struct CharacterProperty
enum Kind
struct Number
struct Scalar
struct ScalarSequence
Type members
Instance members
var isQuantifiable: Bool
var isValidCharacterClassRangeBound: Bool
Whether this atom is valid as the operand of a custom character class range.
let kind: AST.Atom.Kind
var literalCharacterValue: Character?
Retrieves the character value of the atom.
var literalStringValue: String?
A string literal representation of the atom, if possible.
let location: SourceLocation
Citizens in _RegexParser
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.
Type members
Instance members
var character: Character
var isQuantifiable: Bool
var scalarValue: UnicodeScalar?
If the escape sequence represents a unicode scalar value, returns the value, otherwise
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.