Structureswift 6.0.1_Concurrency
An asynchronous sequence which omits elements from the base sequence until a given error-throwing closure returns false, after which it passes through all remaining elements.
- iOS
- 13.0+
- macOS
- 10.15+
- tvOS
- 13.0+
- watchOS
- 6.0+
struct AsyncThrowingDropWhileSequence<Base> where Base : AsyncSequence
Citizens in _Concurrency
where Base:AsyncSequence
protocol AsyncSequence<Element, Failure>
A type that provides asynchronous, sequential, iterated access to its elements.
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol Escapable
struct Iterator
The iterator that produces elements of the drop-while sequence.
typealias AsyncIterator
The type of iterator that produces elements of the sequence.
typealias Element
The type of element produced by this asynchronous sequence.
typealias Failure
The type of element produced by this asynchronous sequence.
Instance members
Instance features
func allSatisfy((Self.Element) async throws -> Bool
) async rethrows -> Bool Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether all elements produced by the asynchronous sequence satisfy the given predicate.
func compactMap<ElementOfResult>(@escaping (Self.Element) async -> ElementOfResult?
) -> AsyncCompactMapSequence<Self, ElementOfResult> Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps the given closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements, omitting results that don’t return a value.
func compactMap<ElementOfResult>(@escaping (Self.Element) async throws -> ElementOfResult?
) -> AsyncThrowingCompactMapSequence<Self, ElementOfResult> Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps an error-throwing closure over the base sequence’s elements, omitting results that don’t return a value.
func contains(Self.Element
) async rethrows -> Bool Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the asynchronous sequence contains the given element.
func contains(where: (Self.Element) async throws -> Bool
) async rethrows -> Bool Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the asynchronous sequence contains an element that satisfies the given predicate.
func drop(while: @escaping (Self.Element) async -> Bool
) -> AsyncDropWhileSequence<Self> Omits elements from the base asynchronous sequence until a given closure returns false, after which it passes through all remaining elements.
func dropFirst(Int
) -> AsyncDropFirstSequence<Self> Omits a specified number of elements from the base asynchronous sequence, then passes through all remaining elements.
func filter(@escaping (Self.Element) async -> Bool
) -> AsyncFilterSequence<Self> Creates an asynchronous sequence that contains, in order, the elements of the base sequence that satisfy the given predicate.
func first(where: (Self.Element) async throws -> Bool
) async rethrows -> Self.Element? Returns the first element of the sequence that satisfies the given predicate.
func flatMap<SegmentOfResult>(@escaping (Self.Element) async throws -> SegmentOfResult
) -> AsyncThrowingFlatMapSequence<Self, SegmentOfResult> Creates an asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling the given error-throwing transformation with each element of this sequence.
func flatMap<SegmentOfResult>(@escaping (Self.Element) async -> SegmentOfResult
) -> AsyncFlatMapSequence<Self, SegmentOfResult> Creates an asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
func flatMap<SegmentOfResult>(@escaping (Self.Element) async -> SegmentOfResult
) -> AsyncFlatMapSequence<Self, SegmentOfResult> Creates an asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
func flatMap<SegmentOfResult>(@escaping (Self.Element) async -> SegmentOfResult
) -> AsyncFlatMapSequence<Self, SegmentOfResult> Creates an asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
func map<Transformed>(@escaping (Self.Element) async -> Transformed
) -> AsyncMapSequence<Self, Transformed> Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps the given closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements.
func map<Transformed>(@escaping (Self.Element) async throws -> Transformed
) -> AsyncThrowingMapSequence<Self, Transformed> Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps the given error-throwing closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements.
func max(
) async rethrows -> Self.Element? Returns the maximum element in an asynchronous sequence of comparable elements.
func max(by: (Self.Element, Self.Element) async throws -> Bool
) async rethrows -> Self.Element? Returns the maximum element in the asynchronous sequence, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements.
func min(
) async rethrows -> Self.Element? Returns the minimum element in an asynchronous sequence of comparable elements.
func min(by: (Self.Element, Self.Element) async throws -> Bool
) async rethrows -> Self.Element? Returns the minimum element in the asynchronous sequence, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements.
func prefix(Int
) -> AsyncPrefixSequence<Self> Returns an asynchronous sequence, up to the specified maximum length, containing the initial elements of the base asynchronous sequence.
func prefix(while: @escaping (Self.Element) async -> Bool
) rethrows -> AsyncPrefixWhileSequence<Self> Returns an asynchronous sequence, containing the initial, consecutive elements of the base sequence that satisfy the given predicate.
func reduce<Result>(Result, (Result, Self.Element) async throws -> Result
) async rethrows -> Result Returns the result of combining the elements of the asynchronous sequence using the given closure.
func reduce<Result>(into: Result, (inout Result, Self.Element) async throws -> Void
) async rethrows -> Result Returns the result of combining the elements of the asynchronous sequence using the given closure, given a mutable initial value.
Citizens in _Concurrency
where Base:AsyncSequence, Base:Sendable, Base.Element:Sendable