Library Moduleswift-websocket 1.1.1WSCore
import WSCore
Module information
- Declarations
- 98
- Symbols
- 222
import WSCore
protocol WebSocketContext : Sendable
Protocol for WebSocket Data handling functions context parameter
protocol WebSocketExtension : Sendable
Protocol for WebSocket extension
protocol WebSocketExtensionBuilder : Sendable
Protocol for WebSocket extension builder
struct AutoPingSetup
Automatic ping setup
struct WebSocketCloseFrame
Close frame that caused WebSocket close
struct WebSocketDataFrame
WebSocket data frame.
struct WebSocketExtensionContext
Basic context implementation of WebSocketContext
struct WebSocketExtensionFactory
Build WebSocket extension builder
struct WebSocketExtensionHTTPParameters
Parsed parameters from Sec-WebSocket-Extensions
actor WebSocketHandler
Handler processing raw WebSocket packets. Used by WebSocket transports
struct WebSocketInboundMessageStream
Inbound WebSocket messages AsyncSequence.
final class WebSocketInboundStream
Inbound WebSocket data frame AsyncSequence
enum WebSocketMessage
Enumeration holding WebSocket message
struct WebSocketNonNegotiableExtensionBuilder<Extension> where Extension : WebSocketExtension
A WebSocket extension that is applied without any negotiation with the other side
struct WebSocketOutboundWriter
Outbound websocket writer
enum WebSocketType
WebSocket type
typealias WebSocketDataHandler<Context> = (WebSocketInboundStream, WebSocketOutboundWriter, Context) async throws -> Void where Context : WebSocketContext
Function that handles websocket data and text blocks
import WSClient
import WSCompression