ISO.Country (gen).swift:6@frozen struct Country
@frozen struct Country
import ISO
This module provides definitions for ISO country and language codes.
enum ISO
@frozen struct Locale
@frozen struct Macrolanguage
protocol BitwiseCopyable
protocol Comparable : Equatable
A type that can be compared using the relational operators <
, <=
, >=
, and >
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Escapable
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
protocol LosslessStringConvertible : CustomStringConvertible
A type that can be represented as a string in a lossless, unambiguous way.
protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
protocol RawRepresentableByIntegerEncoding<RawValue> : RawRepresentable where Self.RawValue : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
protocol Sendable
init?(_ description: some StringProtocol)
init(rawValue: UInt16)
static var AA: `Self` { get }
static var AD: `Self` { get }
static var AE: `Self` { get }
static var AF: `Self` { get }
static var AG: `Self` { get }
static var AI: `Self` { get }
static var AL: `Self` { get }
static var AM: `Self` { get }
static var AO: `Self` { get }
static var AQ: `Self` { get }
static var AR: `Self` { get }
static var AS: `Self` { get }
static var AT: `Self` { get }
static var AU: `Self` { get }
static var AW: `Self` { get }
static var AX: `Self` { get }
static var AZ: `Self` { get }
static var BA: `Self` { get }
static var BB: `Self` { get }
static var BD: `Self` { get }
static var BE: `Self` { get }
static var BF: `Self` { get }
static var BG: `Self` { get }
static var BH: `Self` { get }
static var BI: `Self` { get }
static var BJ: `Self` { get }
static var BL: `Self` { get }
static var BM: `Self` { get }
static var BN: `Self` { get }
static var BO: `Self` { get }
static var BQ: `Self` { get }
static var BR: `Self` { get }
static var BS: `Self` { get }
static var BT: `Self` { get }
static var BV: `Self` { get }
static var BW: `Self` { get }
static var BY: `Self` { get }
static var BZ: `Self` { get }
static var CA: `Self` { get }
static var CC: `Self` { get }
static var CD: `Self` { get }
static var CF: `Self` { get }
static var CG: `Self` { get }
static var CH: `Self` { get }
static var CI: `Self` { get }
static var CK: `Self` { get }
static var CL: `Self` { get }
static var CM: `Self` { get }
static var CN: `Self` { get }
static var CO: `Self` { get }
static var CR: `Self` { get }
static var CU: `Self` { get }
static var CV: `Self` { get }
static var CW: `Self` { get }
static var CX: `Self` { get }
static var CY: `Self` { get }
static var CZ: `Self` { get }
static var DE: `Self` { get }
static var DJ: `Self` { get }
static var DK: `Self` { get }
static var DM: `Self` { get }
static var DO: `Self` { get }
static var DZ: `Self` { get }
static var EC: `Self` { get }
static var EE: `Self` { get }
static var EG: `Self` { get }
static var EH: `Self` { get }
static var ER: `Self` { get }
static var ES: `Self` { get }
static var ET: `Self` { get }
static var FI: `Self` { get }
static var FJ: `Self` { get }
static var FK: `Self` { get }
static var FM: `Self` { get }
static var FO: `Self` { get }
static var FR: `Self` { get }
static var GA: `Self` { get }
static var GB: `Self` { get }
static var GD: `Self` { get }
static var GE: `Self` { get }
static var GF: `Self` { get }
static var GG: `Self` { get }
static var GH: `Self` { get }
static var GI: `Self` { get }
static var GL: `Self` { get }
static var GM: `Self` { get }
static var GN: `Self` { get }
static var GP: `Self` { get }
static var GQ: `Self` { get }
static var GR: `Self` { get }
static var GS: `Self` { get }
static var GT: `Self` { get }
static var GU: `Self` { get }
static var GW: `Self` { get }
static var GY: `Self` { get }
static var HK: `Self` { get }
static var HM: `Self` { get }
static var HN: `Self` { get }
static var HR: `Self` { get }
static var HT: `Self` { get }
static var HU: `Self` { get }
static var ID: `Self` { get }
static var IE: `Self` { get }
static var IL: `Self` { get }
static var IM: `Self` { get }
static var IN: `Self` { get }
static var IO: `Self` { get }
static var IQ: `Self` { get }
static var IR: `Self` { get }
static var IS: `Self` { get }
static var IT: `Self` { get }
static var JE: `Self` { get }
static var JM: `Self` { get }
static var JO: `Self` { get }
static var JP: `Self` { get }
static var KE: `Self` { get }
static var KG: `Self` { get }
static var KH: `Self` { get }
static var KI: `Self` { get }
static var KM: `Self` { get }
static var KN: `Self` { get }
static var KP: `Self` { get }
static var KR: `Self` { get }
static var KW: `Self` { get }
static var KY: `Self` { get }
static var KZ: `Self` { get }
static var LA: `Self` { get }
static var LB: `Self` { get }
static var LC: `Self` { get }
static var LI: `Self` { get }
static var LK: `Self` { get }
static var LR: `Self` { get }
static var LS: `Self` { get }
static var LT: `Self` { get }
static var LU: `Self` { get }
static var LV: `Self` { get }
static var LY: `Self` { get }
static var MA: `Self` { get }
static var MC: `Self` { get }
static var MD: `Self` { get }
static var ME: `Self` { get }
static var MF: `Self` { get }
static var MG: `Self` { get }
static var MH: `Self` { get }
static var MK: `Self` { get }
static var ML: `Self` { get }
static var MM: `Self` { get }
static var MN: `Self` { get }
static var MO: `Self` { get }
static var MP: `Self` { get }
static var MQ: `Self` { get }
static var MR: `Self` { get }
static var MS: `Self` { get }
static var MT: `Self` { get }
static var MU: `Self` { get }
static var MV: `Self` { get }
static var MW: `Self` { get }
static var MX: `Self` { get }
static var MY: `Self` { get }
static var MZ: `Self` { get }
static var NA: `Self` { get }
static var NC: `Self` { get }
static var NE: `Self` { get }
static var NF: `Self` { get }
static var NG: `Self` { get }
static var NI: `Self` { get }
static var NL: `Self` { get }
static var NO: `Self` { get }
static var NP: `Self` { get }
static var NR: `Self` { get }
static var NU: `Self` { get }
static var NZ: `Self` { get }
static var OM: `Self` { get }
static var OO: `Self` { get }
static var PA: `Self` { get }
static var PE: `Self` { get }
static var PF: `Self` { get }
static var PG: `Self` { get }
static var PH: `Self` { get }
static var PK: `Self` { get }
static var PL: `Self` { get }
static var PM: `Self` { get }
static var PN: `Self` { get }
static var PR: `Self` { get }
static var PT: `Self` { get }
static var PW: `Self` { get }
static var PY: `Self` { get }
static var QA: `Self` { get }
static var QM: `Self` { get }
static var QN: `Self` { get }
static var QO: `Self` { get }
static var QP: `Self` { get }
static var QQ: `Self` { get }
static var QR: `Self` { get }
static var QS: `Self` { get }
static var QT: `Self` { get }
static var QU: `Self` { get }
static var QV: `Self` { get }
static var QW: `Self` { get }
static var QX: `Self` { get }
static var QY: `Self` { get }
static var QZ: `Self` { get }
static var RE: `Self` { get }
static var RO: `Self` { get }
static var RS: `Self` { get }
static var RU: `Self` { get }
static var RW: `Self` { get }
static var SA: `Self` { get }
static var SB: `Self` { get }
static var SC: `Self` { get }
static var SD: `Self` { get }
static var SE: `Self` { get }
static var SG: `Self` { get }
static var SH: `Self` { get }
static var SI: `Self` { get }
static var SJ: `Self` { get }
static var SK: `Self` { get }
static var SL: `Self` { get }
static var SM: `Self` { get }
static var SN: `Self` { get }
static var SO: `Self` { get }
static var SR: `Self` { get }
static var SS: `Self` { get }
static var ST: `Self` { get }
static var SV: `Self` { get }
static var SX: `Self` { get }
static var SY: `Self` { get }
static var SZ: `Self` { get }
static var TC: `Self` { get }
static var TD: `Self` { get }
static var TF: `Self` { get }
static var TG: `Self` { get }
static var TH: `Self` { get }
static var TJ: `Self` { get }
static var TK: `Self` { get }
static var TL: `Self` { get }
static var TM: `Self` { get }
static var TN: `Self` { get }
static var TO: `Self` { get }
static var TR: `Self` { get }
static var TT: `Self` { get }
static var TV: `Self` { get }
static var TZ: `Self` { get }
static var UA: `Self` { get }
static var UG: `Self` { get }
static var UM: `Self` { get }
static var US: `Self` { get }
static var UY: `Self` { get }
static var UZ: `Self` { get }
static var VA: `Self` { get }
static var VC: `Self` { get }
static var VE: `Self` { get }
static var VG: `Self` { get }
static var VI: `Self` { get }
static var VN: `Self` { get }
static var VU: `Self` { get }
static var WF: `Self` { get }
static var WS: `Self` { get }
static var XA: `Self` { get }
static var XB: `Self` { get }
static var XC: `Self` { get }
static var XD: `Self` { get }
static var XE: `Self` { get }
static var XF: `Self` { get }
static var XG: `Self` { get }
static var XH: `Self` { get }
static var XI: `Self` { get }
static var XJ: `Self` { get }
static var XK: `Self` { get }
static var XL: `Self` { get }
static var XM: `Self` { get }
static var XN: `Self` { get }
static var XO: `Self` { get }
static var XP: `Self` { get }
static var XQ: `Self` { get }
static var XR: `Self` { get }
static var XS: `Self` { get }
static var XT: `Self` { get }
static var XU: `Self` { get }
static var XV: `Self` { get }
static var XW: `Self` { get }
static var XX: `Self` { get }
static var XY: `Self` { get }
static var XZ: `Self` { get }
static var YE: `Self` { get }
static var YT: `Self` { get }
static var ZA: `Self` { get }
static var ZM: `Self` { get }
static var ZW: `Self` { get }
static var ZZ: `Self` { get }
var description: String { get }
var rawValue: UInt16
static func < (a: `Self`, b: `Self`) -> Bool
var hashValue: Int { get }
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
static func ... (minimum: Self) -> PartialRangeFrom<Self>
Returns a partial range extending upward from a lower bound.
static func ... (maximum: Self) -> PartialRangeThrough<Self>
Returns a partial range up to, and including, its upper bound.
static func ... (minimum: Self, maximum: Self) -> ClosedRange<Self>
Returns a closed range that contains both of its bounds.
static func ..< (maximum: Self) -> PartialRangeUpTo<Self>
Returns a partial range up to, but not including, its upper bound.
static func ..< (minimum: Self, maximum: Self) -> Range<Self>
Returns a half-open range that contains its lower bound but not its upper bound.
static func <= (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than or equal to that of the second argument.
static func > (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than that of the second argument.
static func >= (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than or equal to that of the second argument.
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)