Instance Methodswift-transformers 0.1.17Tokenizers
Trie.swift:36func append(contentsOf container: any Sequence<any Sequence<T>>)
func append(contentsOf container: any Sequence<any Sequence<T>>)
What are these?40ABG
where T:Hashable
import Tokenizers
struct Trie<T> where T : Hashable
protocol Sequence<Element>
A type that provides sequential, iterated access to its elements.
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
func commonPrefixSearch(_ text: any Sequence<T>) -> [[T]]
Find all leaf nodes that share a common prefix with the input sequence (usually a text) Returns an array
func commonPrefixSearchIterator(_ text: any Sequence<T>) -> LeavesWithCommonPrefixIterator<T>
Find all leaf nodes that share a common prefix with the input sequence (usually a text) Returns an iterator
func get(_ element: any Sequence<T>) -> Node?
func insert(_ element: any Sequence<T>)