Static Methodswift-transformers 0.1.17Hub
HubApi.swift:369static func whoami(token: String) async throws -> Config
static func whoami(token: String) async throws -> Config
import Hub
struct Hub
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
@dynamicMemberLookup struct Config
static func getFileMetadata(fileURL: URL) async throws -> HubApi.FileMetadata
static func getFileMetadata(from repo: Repo, matching glob: String) async throws -> [HubApi.FileMetadata]
static func getFileMetadata(from repo: Repo, matching globs: [String] = []) async throws -> [HubApi.FileMetadata]
static func getFileMetadata(from repoId: String, matching glob: String) async throws -> [HubApi.FileMetadata]
static func getFileMetadata(from repoId: String, matching globs: [String] = []) async throws -> [HubApi.FileMetadata]
static func getFilenames(from repo: Hub.Repo, matching globs: [String] = []) async throws -> [String]
static func getFilenames(from repo: Repo, matching glob: String) async throws -> [String]
static func getFilenames(from repoId: String, matching globs: [String] = []) async throws -> [String]
static func getFilenames(from repoId: String, matching glob: String) async throws -> [String]
static func snapshot(from repo: Repo, matching glob: String, progressHandler: @escaping (Progress) -> Void = { _ in }) async throws -> URL
static func snapshot(from repo: Repo, matching globs: [String] = [], progressHandler: @escaping (Progress) -> Void = { _ in }) async throws -> URL
static func snapshot(from repoId: String, matching glob: String, progressHandler: @escaping (Progress) -> Void = { _ in }) async throws -> URL
static func snapshot(from repoId: String, matching globs: [String] = [], progressHandler: @escaping (Progress) -> Void = { _ in }) async throws -> URL
enum HubClientError
struct Repo
enum RepoType