Global Functionswift-testing 6.0.2Testing
Check that an expectation has passed after a condition has been evaluated and throw an error if it failed.
ExpectationChecking+Macro.swift:477func __checkFunctionCall<T, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, R>(_ lhs: T, calling functionCall: (T, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) throws -> R?, _ argument0: Arg0, _ argument1: Arg1, _ argument2: Arg2, _ argument3: Arg3, expression: __Expression, comments: @autoclosure () -> [Comment], isRequired: Bool, sourceLocation: SourceLocation) rethrows -> Result<R, any Error>
This overload works around a bug in variadic generics that may cause a miscompile when an argument to a function is a C string converted from a Swift string (e.g. the arguments to fopen("/file/path", "wb")