Structureswift-system 1.3.2SystemPackage
An error number used by system calls to communicate what kind of error occurred.
Errno.swift:14@frozen struct Errno
Citizens in SystemPackage
protocol BitwiseCopyable
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Decodable
A type that can decode itself from an external representation.
protocol Encodable
A type that can encode itself to an external representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Error
A type representing an error value that can be thrown.
protocol Escapable
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
protocol Sendable
Type members
init(rawValue: CInt
) Creates a strongly typed error number from a raw C error number.
static var addressFamilyNotSupported: Errno
The address family isn’t supported by the protocol family.
static var addressInUse: Errno
Address already in use.
static var addressNotAvailable: Errno
Can’t assign the requested address.
static var addressRequired: Errno
Destination address required.
static var alreadyInProcess: Errno
Operation already in progress.
static var argListTooLong: Errno
The argument list is too long.
static var badAddress: Errno
Bad address.
static var badFileDescriptor: Errno
Bad file descriptor.
static var badMessage: Errno
Bad message.
static var brokenPipe: Errno
Broken pipe.
static var canceled: Errno
Operation canceled.
static var connectionAbort: Errno
Software caused a connection abort.
static var connectionRefused: Errno
Connection refused.
static var connectionReset: Errno
Connection reset by peer.
static var deadlock: Errno
Resource deadlock avoided.
static var directoryNotEmpty: Errno
Directory not empty.
static var diskQuotaExceeded: Errno
Disk quota exceeded.
static var execFormatError: Errno
Executable format error.
static var fileExists: Errno
File exists.
static var fileNameTooLong: Errno
The file name is too long.
static var fileTooLarge: Errno
The file is too large.
static var hostIsDown: Errno
The host is down.
static var identifierRemoved: Errno
Identifier removed.
static var illegalByteSequence: Errno
Illegal byte sequence.
static var illegalSeek: Errno
Illegal seek.
static var improperLink: Errno
Improper link.
static var inappropriateIOCTLForDevice: Errno
Inappropriate control function.
static var interrupted: Errno
Interrupted function call.
static var invalidArgument: Errno
Invalid argument.
static var ioError: Errno
Input/output error.
static var isDirectory: Errno
Is a directory.
static var messageTooLong: Errno
Message too long.
static var multiHop: Errno
static var networkDown: Errno
Network is down.
static var networkReset: Errno
Network dropped connection on reset.
static var networkUnreachable: Errno
Network is unreachable.
static var noBufferSpace: Errno
No buffer space available.
static var noChildProcess: Errno
No child processes.
static var noData: Errno
No message available.
static var noFunction: Errno
Function not implemented.
static var noLink: Errno
static var noLocks: Errno
No locks available.
static var noMemory: Errno
Can’t allocate memory.
static var noMessage: Errno
No message of desired type.
static var noRouteToHost: Errno
No route to host.
static var noSpace: Errno
Device out of space.
static var noStreamResources: Errno
static var noSuchAddressOrDevice: Errno
No such device or address.
static var noSuchFileOrDirectory: Errno
No such file or directory.
static var noSuchProcess: Errno
No such process.
static var notBlockDevice: Errno
Not a block device.
static var notDirectory: Errno
Not a directory.
static var notPermitted: Errno
Operation not permitted.
static var notRecoverable: Errno
State not recoverable.
static var notSocket: Errno
A socket operation was performed on something that isn’t a socket.
static var notStream: Errno
static var notSupported: Errno
Not supported.
static var notSupportedOnSocket: Errno
Operation not supported on socket.
static var nowInProgress: Errno
Operation now in progress.
static var operationNotSupportedByDevice: Errno
Operation not supported by device.
static var outOfDomain: Errno
Numerical argument out of domain.
static var outOfRange: Errno
Numerical result out of range.
static var overflow: Errno
Value too large to be stored in data type.
static var permissionDenied: Errno
Permission denied.
static var previousOwnerDied: Errno
Previous pthread mutex owner died.
static var protocolError: Errno
Protocol error.
static var protocolFamilyNotSupported: Errno
Protocol family not supported.
static var protocolNotAvailable: Errno
Protocol not available.
static var protocolNotSupported: Errno
Protocol not supported.
static var protocolWrongTypeForSocket: Errno
Protocol wrong for socket type.
static var readOnlyFileSystem: Errno
Read-only file system.
static var resourceBusy: Errno
Resource busy.
static var socketIsConnected: Errno
Socket is already connected.
static var socketNotConnected: Errno
Socket is not connected.
static var socketShutdown: Errno
Can’t send after socket shutdown.
static var socketTypeNotSupported: Errno
Socket type not supported.
static var staleNFSFileHandle: Errno
Stale NFS file handle.
static var textFileBusy: Errno
Text file busy.
static var timedOut: Errno
Operation timed out.
static var timeout: Errno
static var tooManyLinks: Errno
Too many links.
static var tooManyOpenFiles: Errno
This process has too many open files.
static var tooManyOpenFilesInSystem: Errno
The system has too many open files.
static var tooManyReferences: Errno
Too many references: can’t splice.
static var tooManyRemoteLevels: Errno
Too many levels of remote in path.
static var tooManySymbolicLinkLevels: Errno
Too many levels of symbolic links.
static var tooManyUsers: Errno
Too many users.
static var wouldBlock: Errno
Operation would block.
static func ~= (lhs: Errno, rhs: Error
) -> Bool
Instance members
var debugDescription: String
A textual representation, suitable for debugging, of the most recent error returned by a system call.
var description: String
A textual representation of the most recent error returned by a system call.
let rawValue: CInt
The raw C error number.
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Type features
init(from: any Decoder
) throws Creates a new instance by decoding from the given decoder, when the type’s
.static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
Instance features
var hashValue: Int
func encode(to: any Encoder
) throws Encodes this value into the given encoder, when the type’s
.func hash(into: inout Hasher