Enumeration Caseswift-protobuf 1.28.1SwiftProtobufPluginLibrary
The given proto path was listed for both modules.
ProtoFileToModuleMappings.swift:33case duplicateProtoPathMapping(path: String, firstModule: String, secondModule: String)
Other cases
case failToOpen(path: String)
Raised if the path wasn’t found.
case entryMissingModuleName(mappingIndex: Int)
Raised if an mapping entry in the protobuf doesn’t have a module name. mappingIndex is the index (0-N) of the mapping.
case entryHasNoProtoPaths(mappingIndex: Int)
Raised if an mapping entry in the protobuf doesn’t have any proto files listed. mappingIndex is the index (0-N) of the mapping.