Instance Propertyswift-protobuf 1.28.1SwiftProtobufPluginLibrary
Returns true if error
has been explicitly set.
var hasError: Bool { get }
Other members in extension
enum Feature
Sync with code_generator.h.
struct File
Represents a single generated file.
Type members
) init(error: String
) Helper to make a response with an error.
static let protoMessageName: String
static func == (lhs: Google_Protobuf_Compiler_CodeGeneratorResponse, rhs: Google_Protobuf_Compiler_CodeGeneratorResponse
) -> Bool
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init(files: [Google_Protobuf_Compiler_CodeGeneratorResponse.File]
) Helper to make a response with a set of files
init(files: [Google_Protobuf_Compiler_CodeGeneratorResponse.File], supportedFeatures: [Google_Protobuf_Compiler_CodeGeneratorResponse.Feature]
) Helper to make a response with a set of files and supported features.
Instance members
var error: String
Error message. If non-empty, code generation failed. The plugin process should exit with status code zero even if it reports an error in this way.
var file: [Google_Protobuf_Compiler_CodeGeneratorResponse.File]
var hasMaximumEdition: Bool
Returns true if
has been explicitly set.var hasMinimumEdition: Bool
Returns true if
has been explicitly set.var hasSupportedFeatures: Bool
Returns true if
has been explicitly set.var maximumEdition: Int32
The maximum edition this plugin supports. This will be treated as an Edition enum, but we want to allow unknown values. It should be specified according the edition enum value, not the edition number. Only takes effect for plugins that have FEATURE_SUPPORTS_EDITIONS set.
var minimumEdition: Int32
The minimum edition this plugin supports. This will be treated as an Edition enum, but we want to allow unknown values. It should be specified according the edition enum value, not the edition number. Only takes effect for plugins that have FEATURE_SUPPORTS_EDITIONS set.
var supportedFeatures: UInt64
A bitmask of supported features that the code generator supports. This is a bitwise “or” of values from the Feature enum.
var unknownFields: UnknownStorage
func clearError(
) Clears the value of
. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.func clearMaximumEdition(
) Clears the value of
. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.func clearMinimumEdition(
) Clears the value of
. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.func clearSupportedFeatures(
) Clears the value of
. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.func decodeMessage<D>(decoder: inout D
) throws func traverse<V>(visitor: inout V
) throws