Instance Propertyswift-protobuf 1.28.1SwiftProtobufPluginLibrary
The resolved features for this File.
Descriptor.swift:221let features: Google_Protobuf_FeatureSet
Other members in extension
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Instance members
let dependencies: [FileDescriptor]
The imports for this file.
let edition: Google_Protobuf_Edition
The edition of the file.
let enums: [EnumDescriptor]
The enum defintions at the file scope level.
let extensions: [FieldDescriptor]
The extension field defintions at the file scope level.
let messages: [Descriptor]
The message defintions at the file scope level.
let name: String
The filename used with protoc.
let options: Google_Protobuf_FileOptions
set on this file.let package: String
The proto package.
let publicDependencies: [FileDescriptor]
The subset of the imports that were declared
.let services: [ServiceDescriptor]
The service defintions at the file scope level.
var sourceCodeInfoLocation: Google_Protobuf_SourceCodeInfo.Location?
let weakDependencies: [FileDescriptor]
The subset of the imports that were declared
.func extractProto(options: ExtractProtoOptions
) -> Google_Protobuf_FileDescriptorProto Extract contents of this descriptor in Proto form.
func sourceCodeInfoLocation(path: IndexPath
) -> Google_Protobuf_SourceCodeInfo.Location? Fetch the source information for a give path. For more details on the paths and what this information is, see
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var fileOptions: Google_Protobuf_FileOptions
set on this file.var isDeprecated: Bool
var proto: Google_Protobuf_FileDescriptorProto
The proto version of the descriptor that defines this File.
var syntax: Syntax