Required Instance Methodswift-protobuf 1.28.1SwiftProtobuf
This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
Visitor.swift:322mutating func visitPackedUInt32Field(value: [UInt32], fieldNumber: Int) throws
There is a default implementation that forwards to the non-packed function.
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func visitExtensionFields(fields: ExtensionFieldValueSet, start: Int, end: Int
) throws Called for each extension range.
func visitExtensionFieldsAsMessageSet(fields: ExtensionFieldValueSet, start: Int, end: Int
) throws Called for each extension range.
func visitMapField<KeyType, ValueType>(fieldType: _ProtobufEnumMap<KeyType, ValueType>.Type, value: _ProtobufEnumMap<KeyType, ValueType>.BaseType, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each map field with enum values. The method is called once with the complete dictionary of keys/values for the field.
func visitMapField<KeyType, ValueType>(fieldType: _ProtobufMessageMap<KeyType, ValueType>.Type, value: _ProtobufMessageMap<KeyType, ValueType>.BaseType, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each map field with message values. The method is called once with the complete dictionary of keys/values for the field.
func visitMapField<KeyType, ValueType>(fieldType: _ProtobufMap<KeyType, ValueType>.Type, value: _ProtobufMap<KeyType, ValueType>.BaseType, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each map field with primitive values. The method is called once with the complete dictionary of keys/values for the field.
func visitPackedBoolField(value: [Bool], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedDoubleField(value: [Double], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedEnumField<E>(value: [E], fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each repeated, packed enum field. The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedFixed32Field(value: [UInt32], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedFixed64Field(value: [UInt64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedFloatField(value: [Float], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedInt32Field(value: [Int32], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedInt64Field(value: [Int64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedSFixed32Field(value: [Int32], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedSFixed64Field(value: [Int64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedSInt32Field(value: [Int32], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedSInt64Field(value: [Int64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitPackedUInt64Field(value: [UInt64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws This is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedBoolField(value: [Bool], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedBytesField(value: [Data], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedDoubleField(value: [Double], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedEnumField<E>(value: [E], fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each repeated, unpacked enum field. The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedFixed32Field(value: [UInt32], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedFixed64Field(value: [UInt64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedFloatField(value: [Float], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedGroupField<G>(value: [G], fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each repeated proto2 group field.
func visitRepeatedInt32Field(value: [Int32], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedInt64Field(value: [Int64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedMessageField<M>(value: [M], fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each repeated nested message field. The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedSFixed32Field(value: [Int32], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedSFixed64Field(value: [Int64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedSInt32Field(value: [Int32], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedSInt64Field(value: [Int64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedStringField(value: [String], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedUInt32Field(value: [UInt32], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitRepeatedUInt64Field(value: [UInt64], fieldNumber: Int
) throws The method is called once with the complete array of values for the field.
func visitSingularBoolField(value: Bool, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated bool field
func visitSingularBytesField(value: Data, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated bytes field
func visitSingularDoubleField(value: Double, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated double field
func visitSingularEnumField<E>(value: E, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated enum field
func visitSingularFixed32Field(value: UInt32, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated fixed32 field
func visitSingularFixed64Field(value: UInt64, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated fixed64 field
func visitSingularFloatField(value: Float, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated float field
func visitSingularGroupField<G>(value: G, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated proto2 group field.
func visitSingularInt32Field(value: Int32, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated int32 field
func visitSingularInt64Field(value: Int64, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated int64 field
func visitSingularMessageField<M>(value: M, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated nested message field.
func visitSingularSFixed32Field(value: Int32, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated sfixed32 field
func visitSingularSFixed64Field(value: Int64, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated sfixed64 field
func visitSingularSInt32Field(value: Int32, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated sint32 field
func visitSingularSInt64Field(value: Int64, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated sint64 field
func visitSingularStringField(value: String, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated string field
func visitSingularUInt32Field(value: UInt32, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated uint32 field
func visitSingularUInt64Field(value: UInt64, fieldNumber: Int
) throws Called for each non-repeated uint64 field
func visitUnknown(bytes: Data
) throws Called with the raw bytes that represent any unknown fields.