Structureswift-protobuf 1.28.1SwiftProtobuf
A location within source code.
SwiftProtobufError.swift:128struct SourceLocation
Other members in extension
enum BinaryDecoding
Errors arising from binary decoding of data into protobufs.
enum BinaryStreamDecoding
Errors arising from decoding streams of binary messages. These errors have to do with the framing of the messages in the stream, or the stream as a whole.
struct Code
A high level indication of the kind of error being thrown.
Type members
Instance members
var code: Code
A high-level error code to provide broad a classification.
var debugDescription: String
var description: String
Citizens in SwiftProtobuf
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol Sendable
A type whose values can safely be passed across concurrency domains by copying.
Type members
Instance members
var file: String
The file in which the error was thrown.
var function: String
The function in which the error was thrown.
var line: Int
The line on which the error was thrown.
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.