Instance Subscriptswift-protobuf 1.28.1SwiftProtobuf
SimpleExtensionMap.swift:35subscript(messageType: any Message.Type, fieldNumber: Int) -> (any AnyMessageExtension)? { get }
subscript(messageType: any Message.Type, fieldNumber: Int) -> (any AnyMessageExtension)? { get }
What are these?
FNV24: [6H6IH]
import SwiftProtobuf
Support library for Swift code generated by protoc-gen-swift.
struct SimpleExtensionMap
A default implementation of ExtensionMap.
@preconcurrency protocol Message : CustomDebugStringConvertible, Sendable
The protocol which all generated protobuf messages implement. Message
is the protocol type you should use whenever you need an argument or variable which holds “some message”.
@frozen struct Int
A signed integer value type.
@preconcurrency protocol AnyMessageExtension : Sendable
Type-erased MessageExtension field implementation.
init(_ others: SimpleExtensionMap...)
init(arrayLiteral: any Element...)
var debugDescription: String { get }
func fieldNumberForProto(messageType: any Message.Type, protoFieldName: String) -> Int?
mutating func formUnion(_ other: SimpleExtensionMap)
mutating func insert(_ newValue: any Element)
mutating func insert(contentsOf: [any Element])
func union(_ other: SimpleExtensionMap) -> SimpleExtensionMap
typealias Element = AnyMessageExtension