Enumeration Caseswift-protobuf 1.28.1SwiftProtobuf
A map key was not quoted
JSONDecodingError.swift:41case unquotedMapKey
Other cases
case failure
Something was wrong
case malformedNumber
A number could not be parsed
case numberRange
Numeric value was out of range or was not an integer value when expected
case malformedMap
A map could not be parsed
case malformedBool
A bool could not be parsed
case malformedString
We expected a quoted string, or a quoted string has a malformed backslash sequence
case invalidUTF8
We encountered malformed UTF8
case missingFieldNames
The message does not have fieldName information
case schemaMismatch
The data type does not match the schema description
case unrecognizedEnumValue
A value (text or numeric) for an enum was not found on the enum
case illegalNull
A ‘null’ token appeared in an illegal location. For example, Protobuf JSON does not allow ‘null’ tokens to appear in lists.
case leadingZero
JSON RFC 7519 does not allow numbers to have extra leading zeros
case truncated
We hit the end of the JSON string and expected something more…
case malformedDuration
A JSON Duration could not be parsed
case malformedTimestamp
A JSON Timestamp could not be parsed
case malformedFieldMask
A FieldMask could not be parsed
case trailingGarbage
Extraneous data remained after decoding should have been complete
case conflictingOneOf
More than one value was specified for the same oneof field
case messageDepthLimit
Reached the nesting limit for messages within messages while decoding.
case unknownField(String)
Encountered an unknown field with the given name. When parsing JSON, you can instead instruct the library to ignore this via JSONDecodingOptions.ignoreUnknownFields.