Required Instance Methodswift-protobuf 1.28.1SwiftProtobuf
MessageExtension.swift:24func _protobuf_newField<D>(decoder: inout D) throws -> (any AnyExtensionField)? where D : Decoder
func _protobuf_newField<D>(decoder: inout D) throws -> (any AnyExtensionField)? where D : Decoder
What are these?
FNV24: [2DCN6]
import SwiftProtobuf
Support library for Swift code generated by protoc-gen-swift.
@preconcurrency protocol AnyMessageExtension : Sendable
Type-erased MessageExtension field implementation.
@preconcurrency protocol AnyExtensionField : CustomDebugStringConvertible, Sendable
Core protocols implemented by generated extensions.
protocol Decoder
Abstract protocol used by the generated code to deserialize data.
var fieldName: String { get }
var fieldNumber: Int { get }
var messageType: any Message.Type { get }