Structureswift-png 4.4.5PNG
A color precision descriptor.
PNG.SignificantBits.swift:7@frozen struct SignificantBits
This type models the information stored in an sBIT
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struct Metadata
The metadata in a PNG image.
struct Header
An image header.
struct Background
A background descriptor.
struct Palette
An image palette.
struct Transparency
A transparency descriptor.
struct Chromaticity
A chromaticity descriptor.
struct ColorProfile
An embedded color profile.
enum ColorRendering
A color rendering mode.
struct Gamma
A gamma descriptor.
struct Histogram
A palette frequency histogram.
struct PhysicalDimensions
A physical dimensions descriptor.
struct SuggestedPalette
A suggested image palette.
struct Text
A text comment.
struct TimeModified
An image modification time.
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protocol BytestreamDestination
A destination bytestream.
protocol BytestreamSource
A source bytestream.
protocol Color<Aggregate>
A color target.
protocol Error
Functionality common to all library error types.
struct Chunk
A chunk type identifier.
struct Context
A decoding context.
enum DecodingError
A decoding error.
enum Format
A color format.
enum FormattingError
A formatting error.
struct Image
A rectangular image.
struct Layout
An image layout.
enum LexingError
A lexing error.
enum ParsingError
A parsing error.
struct Percentmille
A rational percentmille value.
struct RGBA<T>
An RGBA color target.
enum Standard
A PNG standard.
struct VA<T>
A grayscale-alpha color target.
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enum Bytestream
A namespace for bytestream utilities.
enum Data
A namespace containing the
Type members
static func convolve<A, T, C>([UInt8], dereference: (Int) -> A, kernel: (T) -> C
) -> [C] Converts an image data buffer to a pixel array, using the given pixel kernel and dereferencing function.
static func convolve<A, T, C>([UInt8], dereference: (Int) -> (A, A), kernel: ((T, T)) -> C
) -> [C] Converts an image data buffer to a pixel array, using the given pixel kernel and dereferencing function.
static func convolve<A, T, C>([UInt8], dereference: (Int) -> (A, A, A), kernel: ((T, T, T)) -> C
) -> [C] Converts an image data buffer to a pixel array, using the given pixel kernel and dereferencing function.
static func convolve<A, T, C>([UInt8], dereference: (Int) -> (A, A, A, A), kernel: ((T, T, T, T)) -> C
) -> [C] Converts an image data buffer to a pixel array, using the given pixel kernel and dereferencing function.
static func convolve<A, T, C>([UInt8], of: A.Type, depth: Int, kernel: ((T, T, T, T)) -> C
) -> [C] Converts an image data buffer to a pixel array, using the given pixel kernel.
static func convolve<A, T, C>([UInt8], of: A.Type, depth: Int, kernel: ((T, T, T), (A, A, A)) -> C
) -> [C] Converts an image data buffer to a pixel array, using the given pixel kernel.
static func convolve<A, T, C>([UInt8], of: A.Type, depth: Int, kernel: ((T, T)) -> C
) -> [C] Converts an image data buffer to a pixel array, using the given pixel kernel.
static func convolve<A, T, C>([UInt8], of: A.Type, depth: Int, kernel: (T, A) -> C
) -> [C] Converts an image data buffer to a pixel array, using the given pixel kernel.
static func deconvolve<A, T, C>([C], as: A.Type, depth: Int, kernel: (C) -> (T, T, T, T)
) -> [UInt8] Converts a pixel array to an image data buffer, using the given pixel kernel.
static func deconvolve<A, T, C>([C], as: A.Type, depth: Int, kernel: (C) -> (T, T, T)
) -> [UInt8] Converts a pixel array to an image data buffer, using the given pixel kernel.
static func deconvolve<A, T, C>([C], as: A.Type, depth: Int, kernel: (C) -> (T, T)
) -> [UInt8] Converts a pixel array to an image data buffer, using the given pixel kernel.
static func deconvolve<A, T, C>([C], as: A.Type, depth: Int, kernel: (C) -> T
) -> [UInt8] Converts a pixel array to an image data buffer, using the given pixel kernel.
static func deconvolve<A, T, C>([C], reference: (A) -> Int, kernel: (C) -> T
) -> [UInt8] Converts a pixel array to an image data buffer, using the given pixel kernel and referencing function.
static func deconvolve<A, T, C>([C], reference: ((A, A)) -> Int, kernel: (C) -> (T, T)
) -> [UInt8] Converts a pixel array to an image data buffer, using the given pixel kernel and referencing function.
static func deconvolve<A, T, C>([C], reference: ((A, A, A)) -> Int, kernel: (C) -> (T, T, T)
) -> [UInt8] Converts a pixel array to an image data buffer, using the given pixel kernel and referencing function.
static func deconvolve<A, T, C>([C], reference: ((A, A, A, A)) -> Int, kernel: (C) -> (T, T, T, T)
) -> [UInt8] Converts a pixel array to an image data buffer, using the given pixel kernel and referencing function.
static func premultiply<T>(T, alpha: T
) -> T Premultiplies a color component with an alpha value.
static func straighten<T>(T, alpha: T
) -> T Straightens a premultiplied color component given an alpha value.
Citizens in PNG
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
enum Case
A color precision case. This is a separate type for validation purposes.
Type members
init(case: Case, pixel: PNG.Format.Pixel
) Creates a color precision descriptor.
init(parsing: [UInt8], pixel: PNG.Format.Pixel
) throws Creates a color precision descriptor by parsing the given chunk data, interpreting and validating it according to the given
Instance members
var description: String
var serialized: [UInt8]
Encodes this color precision descriptor as the contents of an