Instance Propertyswift-png 4.4.5PNG
The text comments in the image.
PNG.Metadata.swift:36var text: [Text]
Other members in extension
Type members
init(time: PNG.TimeModified?, chromaticity: PNG.Chromaticity?, colorProfile: PNG.ColorProfile?, colorRendering: PNG.ColorRendering?, gamma: PNG.Gamma?, histogram: PNG.Histogram?, physicalDimensions: PNG.PhysicalDimensions?, significantBits: PNG.SignificantBits?, suggestedPalettes: [PNG.SuggestedPalette], text: [PNG.Text], application: [(type: PNG.Chunk, data: [UInt8])]
) Creates a metadata structure.
Instance members
var application: [(type: Chunk, data: [UInt8])]
An array containing any unparsed application-specific chunks in the image.
var chromaticity: Chromaticity?
The image chromaticity.
var colorProfile: ColorProfile?
The image color profile.
var colorRendering: ColorRendering?
The image color rendering mode.
var gamma: Gamma?
The image gamma.
var histogram: Histogram?
The frequency histogram of the image palette.
var physicalDimensions: PhysicalDimensions?
The physical dimensions of the image.
var significantBits: SignificantBits?
The image color precision.
var suggestedPalettes: [SuggestedPalette]
The suggested palettes of the image.
var time: TimeModified?
The image modification time.
func push(ancillary: (type: PNG.Chunk, data: [UInt8]), pixel: PNG.Format.Pixel, palette: PNG.Palette?, background: inout PNG.Background?, transparency: inout PNG.Transparency?
) throws Parses an ancillary chunk, and either adds it to this metadata instance, or stores it in one of the two