Static Methodswift-png 4.4.5PNG


    Converts an image data buffer to a pixel array, using the given pixel kernel.

    static func convolve<A, T, C>(_ buffer: [UInt8], of _: A.Type, depth: Int, kernel: ((T, T, T, T)) -> C) -> [C] where A : FixedWidthInteger, A : UnsignedInteger, T : FixedWidthInteger, T : UnsignedInteger



    An image data buffer. Its length must be divisible by four times the stride of A.


    An atom type.


    A color depth used to interpret the intensity of each atom. This depth must be no greater than A.bitWidth.


    A pixel kernel.


    An array of pixels constructed by the given kernel function. This array has a length of buffer.count divided by the four times the stride of A.

    This function interprets buffer as an array of big-endian atoms of type A. It then scales the atoms to the range of T, according to the given color depth, and constructs instances of C by mapping the given kernel function over consecutive (T, T, T, T) quadruplets.

    A worked example of how to use this function to implement a custom color target can be found in the custom color targets tutorial.

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