Articleswift-png 4.4.5PNG
Learn how to define a color palette, encode an image from an index array, decode an image to an index array, and use custom indexing and deindexing functions.
Indexing.mdKey terms
- image palette
A table of colors that an indexed image references. The palette is stored in the PNG file’s internal representation, and is used to map the indices in the image to colors.
- palette aggregate
A color tuple in the image palette.
- indexing function
A function that maps a color to a palette index.
- deindexing function
A function that maps a palette index to a color.
Worked example
In this tutorial, we will use the library’s indexing APIs to colorize the following grayscale image:
We already saw in the Basic decoding tutorial how to read grayscale samples from an input PNG.
import PNG
let path:String = "Sources/PNG/docs.docc/Indexing/Indexing"
let image:PNG.Image = try .decompress(path: "\(path).png")
fatalError("failed to open file '\(path).png'")
let v:[UInt8] = image.unpack(as: UInt8.self)
Indexing.swift:3What we want to do is map the grayscale UInt8
values to some color gradient, where gray value 0
gets the color at the bottom of the gradient, and gray value 255
gets the color at the top of the gradient. We will do this by creating a new, indexed image where the gray values in the original image are the indices in the new image, and where each index references a gradient value stored in the image palette.
We define a simple, six-stop gradient function with the following code. It generates a gradient that is black at the bottom, red in the middle, and yellow at the top.
func lerp(
_ a:(r:Double, g:Double, b:Double),
_ b:(r:Double, g:Double, b:Double),
t:Double) -> (r:Double, g:Double, b:Double)
a.r * (1.0 - t) + b.r * t,
a.g * (1.0 - t) + b.g * t,
a.b * (1.0 - t) + b.b * t
func gradient<T>(_ x:T) -> (r:UInt8, g:UInt8, b:UInt8, a:UInt8)
where T:FixedWidthInteger
let stops:
(r:Double, g:Double, b:Double),
(r:Double, g:Double, b:Double),
(r:Double, g:Double, b:Double),
(r:Double, g:Double, b:Double),
(r:Double, g:Double, b:Double),
(r:Double, g:Double, b:Double)
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
(1.0, 0.2, 0.3),
(1.0, 0.3, 0.2),
(1.0, 0.4, 0.3),
(1.0, 0.8, 0.4)
let t:Double = (.init(x) - .init(T.min)) / (.init(T.max) - .init(T.min))
let y:(r:Double, g:Double, b:Double)
switch t
case ..<0.0: y = stops.0
case 0.0 ..< 0.2: y = lerp(stops.0, stops.1, t: (t ) / 0.2)
case 0.2 ..< 0.4: y = lerp(stops.1, stops.2, t: (t - 0.2) / 0.2)
case 0.4 ..< 0.6: y = lerp(stops.2, stops.3, t: (t - 0.4) / 0.2)
case 0.6 ..< 0.8: y = lerp(stops.3, stops.4, t: (t - 0.6) / 0.2)
case 0.8... : y = lerp(stops.4, stops.5, t: (t - 0.8) / 0.2)
default : y = stops.5
r: .init(max(0, min(y.r * 255, 255))),
g: .init(max(0, min(y.g * 255, 255))),
b: .init(max(0, min(y.b * 255, 255))),
a: .max
Indexing.swift:17Of course, we can’t encode a gradient function directly in a PNG file, since PNG viewers can’t execute Swift code. So we have to tabularize it as a 256-element array.
let gradient:[(r:UInt8, g:UInt8, b:UInt8, a:UInt8)] =
(UInt8.min ... UInt8.max).map(gradient(_:))
Indexing.swift:70We can visualize the gradient using the same APIs we used in the Basic encoding tutorial.
let swatch:[PNG.RGBA<UInt8>] = (0 ..< 16).flatMap
_ -> [PNG.RGBA<UInt8>] in
(0 ..< 256).map
let (r, g, b, a):(UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8) = gradient[$0]
return .init(r, g, b, a)
let visualization:PNG.Image = .init(packing: swatch, size: (256, 16),
layout: .init(format: .rgb8(palette: [], fill: nil, key: nil)))
try visualization.compress(path: "\(path)-gradient.png")
Indexing.swift:74We can create an indexed image by defining an indexed layout, and passing the grayscale samples we obtained earlier to one of the pixel-packing APIs. The init(packing:size:layout:metadata:)
initializer will treat the grayscale samples as pixel colors, not indices, and will try to match the pixel colors to entries in the given palette. This is not what we want, so we need to use a variant of that function, init(packing:size:layout:metadata:indexer:)
, and pass it a custom indexing function.
let indexed:PNG.Image = .init(packing: v, size: image.size,
layout: .init(format: .indexed8(palette: gradient, fill: nil)),
metadata: image.metadata)
_ in Int.init(_:)
Indexing.swift:88The best way to understand the indexing function is to compare it with the behavior of the init(packing:size:layout:metadata:)
initializer. Calling that initializer is equivalent to calling init(packing:size:layout:metadata:indexer:)
with the following indexing function.
(palette:[(r:UInt8, g:UInt8, b:UInt8, a:UInt8)]) -> (UInt8) -> Int in
let lookup:[(r:UInt8, g:UInt8, b:UInt8, a:UInt8): Int] = .init(
uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(palette, palette.indices))
return { (v:UInt8) -> Int in lookup[(v, v, v, .max), default: 0] }
Its type is ([(r:UInt8, g:UInt8, b:UInt8, a:UInt8)]) -> (UInt8) -> Int
. This construct can be a little confusing, especially if you aren’t familiar with functional programming, so let’s walk through it.
The outer function is a pure function that takes a palette argument of type [(r:UInt8, g:UInt8, b:UInt8, a:UInt8)]
. This palette comes from the palette
field of the image’s color format, if the format is one of the indexed color formats. (If the image layout has a non-indexed color format, the indexing function never gets invoked in the first place.)
The default implementation of the outer function then constructs a dictionary mapping the palette entries to their array indices, using init(uniqueKeysWithValues:)
The return value of the outer function is an inner function of type (UInt8) -> Int
. As its signature suggests, the inner function takes an argument of type UInt8
, and returns an Int
index. The UInt8
is a grayscale sample from the given pixel array. The inner function is not generic. If you pass a [UInt16]
array to the packing initializer, the 16-bit grayscale samples will get rescaled to the range of a UInt8
before getting passed to the inner function.
Its default implementation encloses the dictionary variable, and uses it to look up the palette index of the function’s grayscale sample argument, expanded to RGBA form. If there is no matching palette entry, it returns index 0
. As you might expect, this can be inefficient for some use cases (though not terribly so), so the custom indexing APIs are useful if you want to manipulate indices without re-indexing the entire image.
Depending on the color target, the inner function may take a tuple argument instead of a scalar. For the PNG.VA<T>
color target, the inner function recieves (UInt8, UInt8)
tuples. For the PNG.RGBA<T>
color target, it receives (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8)
tuples. (The return type is always Int
.) In this library, the inner function argument is called a palette aggregate.
Let’s go back to the custom indexing function:
_ in Int.init(_:)
Since we just want to cast the grayscale samples directly to index values, we don’t need the palette parameter, so we discard it with the _
binding. We then return the Int.init(_:)
initializer, which casts the grayscale samples to Int
On appropriate platforms, we can encode the image to a file with the compress(path:level:hint:)
try indexed.compress(path: "\(path)-indexed.png")
Indexing.swift:95To read back the index values from the indexed image, we can use a custom deindexing function, which we pass to unpack(as:deindexer:)
let indices:[UInt8] = indexed.unpack(as: UInt8.self)
_ in UInt8.init(_:)
Indexing.swift:97For the scalar pixel packing API, deindexing functions have the type ([(r:UInt8, g:UInt8, b:UInt8, a:UInt8)]) -> (Int) -> UInt8
. Its return type, (Int) -> UInt8
is exactly the opposite of that of an indexing function. Its default behavior is equivalent to the following implementation, which should be self-explanatory.
(palette:[(r:UInt8, g:UInt8, b:UInt8, a:UInt8)]) -> (Int) -> UInt8 in
(i:Int) -> UInt8 in palette[i].r
We can verify that the indices we read back with our custom deindexing function are identical to the grayscale samples we originally passed to the packing initializer.
print(indices == v)
See also
Basic decoding
Learn how to decompress a png file to its rectangular image representation, and unpack rectangular image data to the built-in rgba, grayscale-alpha, and scalar color targets.
Read MoreBasic encoding
Learn how to define an image layout, understand the relationship between color formats and color targets, create a rectangular image data instance from a pixel array, and compress images at different compression levels.
Read MoreUsing iPhone-optimized images
Learn how to read and create iPhone-optimized PNG files, premultiply and straighten alpha, and access packed image data.
Read MoreImage metadata
Learn how to inspect and edit image metadata.
Read MoreIn-memory images
Learn how to decode an image from a memory blob, encode an image into a memory blob, and implement a custom data source or destination.
Read MoreOnline decoding
Learn how to use the contextual api to manually manage decoder state, display partially-downloaded images, display previews of partially-downloaded interlaced images with overdrawing, rebind image data to a different image layout, and customize the chunk granularity in emitted PNG files.
Read MoreCustom color
Learn how to define a custom color target, understand and use the library’s convolution and deconvolution helper functions, implement pixel packing and unpacking for a custom HSVA color target, and apply chroma keys from applicable color formats.
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