Enumerationswift-png 4.4.5LZ77
A decompression error.
LZ77.DecompressionError.swift:19enum DecompressionError
Stream errors
case invalidStreamChecksum(declared: UInt32, computed: UInt32)
The modular redundancy checksum computed on the uncompressed data did not match the checksum declared in the compressed data stream footer.
Block errors
case invalidBlockTypeCode(UInt8)
A compressed block had an invalid block type code.
case invalidBlockElementCountParity(UInt16, UInt16)
A compressed block of stored type had inconsistent element count fields.
case invalidHuffmanRunLiteralSymbolCount(Int)
A compressed block of dynamic type declared an invalid number of run-literal symbols.
case invalidHuffmanCodelengthHuffmanTable
A compressed block of dynamic type declared an invalid codelength huffman table.
case invalidHuffmanCodelengthSequence
A compressed block of dynamic type declared an invalid sequence of symbol codelengths.
case invalidHuffmanTable
A compressed block of dynamic type declared an invalid distance or run-literal huffman table.
case invalidStringReference
A compressed block contains an invalid run-length string reference.
Other members in extension
struct Deflator
enum Format
struct Inflator
struct InflatorIn
enum StreamHeaderError
Errors that can occur when decompressing a DEFLATE stream embedded in the ‘zlib’ wrapper format.
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Citizens in LZ77
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Error
A type representing an error value that can be thrown.
protocol Sendable
A type whose values can safely be passed across concurrency domains by copying.
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
Available in PNG
protocol Error
Functionality common to all library error types.
Type members
static var namespace: String
The string
"Decompression error"
Instance members
var details: String?
An optional human-readable string providing additional details about this error.
var message: String
Instance features
var fatal: Never
Halts execution by converting this error into a fatal error.